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【广海明月】第283讲 「一分真实三摩地」之意涵

  说:关于此段提到的这个「一分真实三摩地」,祖师们是有不同解释的。 巴梭法王把「一分真实」解释为「证得所取无自性」,而其他的祖师解释为「不显现所取境有谛实」,或「开始压伏见道所断能取分别」。 [00′56″]



冬·勇悍行 #335 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 我们应该学会什么?
2. 可能外表看起来还是很糟,可是实际上已经怎样了?
3. 这是一个什么过程?


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第六回 拜弥伽

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第六回 拜弥伽


 Megha sat back down on the seat of teaching and said to Sudhana, “I have attained the light of the spell of eloquence: I know the speech of all kinds of beings in a billion-world universe; I know the variety of speech of each kind of being; I know the unity of speech of each kind of being; I know the mixture of speech of each kind of being; I know the terms, speech, and concepts of all creatures; I know the ideas of all sages; I know the ideas of all ignoble people; I know the speech of enlightening beings, expressed according to the mentalities and languages of sentient beings; I enter into and focus on the oceans of utterances addressed to all sentient beings by the buddhas of past, present, and future. As in this billion-world universe in each moment of thought I enter into the oceans of all terms, expressions, speech, and concepts of sentient beings, I do the same in untold worlds in each of the ten directions.“


【广海明月】第282讲 介绍五道十地、忆念恭敬僧学处

  现在就涉及到阿底峡尊者的这位亲教师的证量为何呢? 说他是到加行道。 那现在我们就要了解一下,在这里边仁波切的解释:加行道有暖、顶、忍、世第一法四种。 当获得加行道忍位的时候,就说证得一分真实,尊者就是在这样的上师跟前受取了近圆戒——比丘戒。 「共称汝亲教,为加行道者」,就是指这位师长。 那么出家之后「其讳又名胜燃灯智」,这个就是阿底峡尊者的法号。 [01′16″]






【广海明月】第281讲 出家因缘、介绍四根本部派

  现在我们看仁波切的讲记,「此后尊重及诸本尊,若寤若梦,随其所应,劝云若出家者,则于圣教及诸众生起大饶益。 依是劝已,如《赞》中云:『共称汝亲教,为加行道者』」。 「此后」就是从那以后,许多上师与本尊,不论是亲见的或者在梦中看到的,都劝阿底峡尊者要出家。 为什么呢? 因为如果出家,会对圣教及众生有广大的利益,于是尊者就出家了。 [01′54″]



夏·善巧慧 #143 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 如果失去了工作,应该先作什么?
2. 为什么要有一个好的身心状况?
3. 我们可以尝试练习什么?


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第五回 拜善住比丘

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第五回 拜善住比丘


 “Son, I know this enlightening liberation ‘unobstructed door,’ which is everywhere at once engaged in the service of the buddhas, appropriate to the development of all beings. How can I know the practice, or tell the virtues, of the great enlightening beings who act on great compassion, who act in accord with the practice of the Great Vehicle, whose conduct never deviates from the path of enlightening beings, whose conduct is free from attachment, whose conduct always embodies the will of enlightening beings, who always act with the thought of enlightenment, whose action is focused on the way of the enlightened, who always act with the thought of omniscience, whose way of action is like the sky, whose conduct is independent of all mundane realms, whose conduct is flawless, whose conduct is uncorrupted, whose conduct is consistent, whose conduct is faultless, whose conduct is pure, whose conduct is unblemished, whose conduct is free from evil, whose conduct is honest, whose conduct is dispassionate, whose conduct is undefiled?


【广海明月】第280讲 梦从语王名称班智达听受密续

  这里边讲了像一个故事,现在先看仁波切的讲记吧! 「二十九岁以内,于多获得成就师前,习金刚乘教典教授,善巧无余」,在二十九岁前,以罗摆在毱主要的上师,又从许多获得成就的上师尊前,学习金刚乘的教典,而善巧了一切金刚乘的教典与教授。 「不唯于余时处如是听受」,就是不仅在其他的时间、印度的其他地方听受了很多密法;「亦尝于一夜中,梦从语王名称班智达听受十万四百五十一部密续」,就有一天晚上在梦里边,在班智达语王名称尊前听了那么多、那么多的密续。 [01′34″]
