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【广海明月】第279讲 《正理滴论》作者──法称论师

  出家精研三藏,可是还是觉得意犹未足,又从善达《集量论》的自在军论师听过三次《集量论》。 第一次听完了之后,就完全地通晓自在军的密意;再听一遍的时候,就通晓了《集量论》的作者陈那论师的密意;第三次听,就发现他的老师自在军论师承许的是有一些错误的。 他启白了论师之后,他的上师非常欢喜,这里边写「大喜过望」! 然后就依照他的老师指示造了《释量论》。 [01′25″]



冬·勇悍行 #331 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 第一步骤需要怎么调整心绪?
2. 学佛的人应先作什么?
3. 为什么先道歉的才是勇者?


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第四回 拜海云比丘

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第四回 拜海云比丘


 “Then the Buddha extended his right hand, rubbed my head, and revealed to me a teaching called universal eye, which is the sphere of all buddhas, revealing the practice of enlightening beings, showing the differentiation of the planes of all universes, showing the spheres of all truths together, the light purifying all lands, dispersing all challengers, crushing all demons and devils, making all beings happy, illumining the hidden recesses of all beings’ minds, communicating to all beings in accord with their mentalities, illuminating the turning of the wheels of the senses of all beings. And I have taken up that teaching of the universal eye, keep it in mind, apply it, and contemplate it, taking it in this way—even if it were being written by a collection of pens the size of the polar mountains with as much ink as water in the oceans, it could never be finished; it would be impossible to finish even a part of a single line of a single formula of a single principle of a single doctrine of a single chapter of the teaching—it cannot be even partially exhausted, let alone fully exhausted or comprehended.


【广海明月】第278讲 二十一岁内,善巧通达共通明处

  古代印度的这个艺术技能、工巧明的这个技术三十种,列举一下:文字、手艺——不知道是不是跟中国的那个手艺是一样的,各种各样的手艺。 数目、计算,还有梳妆,这也是一大艺术。 还有步武,步伐的步、武术的武。 接着好像是到了兵器的部分——使钩,就是怎么样使用钩子,舞剑,还有抛绳。 [01′20″]






【广海明月】第277讲 造《八十赞》的那措译师

  在佛世的时候,他是一位在家菩萨,他还有一个名字叫善守。 在隋朝的闍那崛多译的那个《大方等大集经. 贤护分》中有记载:在佛世的王舍城中,有一位优婆塞,名为贤护,为大众中的上首,受持五戒,具足威仪,长久以来行菩萨道,往昔已曾供养无量诸佛,种诸善根,于法敬重听闻受持。 最精采的是他常行头陀行——他是一个在家菩萨,常行头陀行,教化诸位菩萨。 他随意可以得见一切诸佛,发广大愿行深妙行。 他的菩提心非常非常地坚固,犹如金刚一样,广大妙行不可称量。 [01′40″]


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第三回 拜德云比丘

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第三回 拜德云比丘


 The monk Meghashri replied to Sudhana, “It is good that you ask about the practice of enlightening beings, having set your mind on supreme perfect enlightenment. It is difficult, most difficult, to seek the practice of enlightening beings, to seek the sphere of enlightening beings, to seek the purification of emancipation of enlightening beings, to seek the purification of the path of enlightening beings, to seek the far-ranging purification of the conduct of enlightening beings, to seek the purification of the accomplishment of mystic knowledge of enlightening beings, to show the liberation of enlightening beings, to show enlightening beings’ exercise of compassion for the world, to oblige people according to their mentalities in the manner of enlightening beings, to show enlightening beings’ mundane and transcendental faces, to seek the thought and action of enlightening beings undefiled by the ills and fears of the created and the uncreated.
