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春·见光明 #17 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 谁来为自己的不幸负责呢?谁又可以负责呢?
2. 当我们慢慢长大,必须怎么样?
3. 如何负责?


[Meditative·Serenity] 由止无动,乃能明见真实


Kamalasila’s first Stages of Meditation says:
  Because your mind moves like a river, it does not rest without the foundation of meditative serenity; a mind that is not in meditative equipoise cannot understand reality just as it is. Also, the Bhagavan says, “With meditative equipoise, you know reality just as it is.”


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第十八回 拜普眼长者


 “I know this medium of the Teaching, the ball of fragrance making offerings on meeting buddhas everywhere, pleasing all sentient beings; how can I know the practice or tell the virtues of the enlightening beings who are like great medicines, whom it is beneficial to see, to hear, to associate with, to remember, to follow, and to recall their names, with the sight of whom all sentient beings are relieved of afflictions, with the sight of whom sentient beings leave all evil ways, with the sight of whom sentient beings find a way to buddhahood, with the sight of whom the sufferings of sentient beings are relieved, with the sight of whom sentient beings are freed from fear of all mundane states, with the sight of whom sentient beings become fearless because of being near the abode of omniscience, with the sight of whom sentient beings no longer fall into the abyss of old age and death, with the sight of whom sentient beings attain the bliss of tranquillity through cosmic equanimity?


【广海明月】第306讲 成就慧学之功德

  下面我们来看仁波切的讲记。下面说具足殊胜的慧学,这个殊胜慧学也分成共与不共两种,那么具足共通的殊胜慧学是指什么呢?看到这个问题的时候,不知道大家心里有没有什么想法?什么是共通的殊胜慧学呢?下面就有解释了。“共者,谓得止观双运毘钵舍那三摩地”,就是指获得了止观双运。那么现在我们在《广论》后面的奢摩他部分正好是讲到止观双运,什么是得止、什么是得胜观?然后止观双运这个概念,可能大家听到那部分会对这部分更清晰一些。 [02′00″]






【广海明月】第305讲 修行正念正知,得到内心的消息

  这就是要练习的一个本事。因为防范自己造下三恶趣的因,我们不可能把这样的责任交给别人。因为这个心续是你的心续,你得防止它下一段走到恶趣,这个方向是自己确定、自己作主、自己编排下一生要去哪里。那么如果我们知道我自己就是我下一生的导演,我岂能把我下一生的剧本演成地狱呢?演成饿鬼、畜生呢?甚至演成一般的人我们还不高兴,我们要演成非常尊贵的人,又有智慧、又有美貌、又能忍辱,辩才……什么都有的完美的一个人。但是这个都是自己导演的,都是自己这一生要造作的业,以后才会得到这样的结果。 [01′59″]



夏·善巧慧 #112 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 透过改变什么,就改变了业?
2. 改变业,就改变了什么?接着也改变了什么?
3. 改变了今生,就改变了什么?


[Meditative·Serenity] 由止力无动,由观故如山


As the Moon Lamp Sutra says:
  The power of meditative serenity makes your mind steady; insight makes it like a mountain.
So, the mark of meditative serenity is that your attention stays right where it is placed without distraction from the object of meditation. The mark of insight is that you know the reality of selflessness and eliminate bad views such as the view of self; your mind is like a mountain in that it cannot be shaken by opponents. Therefore, you should distinguish these two marks.


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第十七回 拜法宝髻长者


 “I know this enlightening liberation of the supernal manifestation of the sphere of unobstructed vows. How can I know the practice or tell the virtues of enlightening beings who are mines of inconceivable, immeasureable virtues, who have entered the indivisible ocean of buddha-bodies, who take in the indivisible multitude of truths, who have attained an indivisible ocean of virtues, who have spread the net of the practice of universal good, who have entered the realm of indivisible absorption, whose roots of goodness are one with those of all enlightening beings, who abide in the pure nondiscrimination of buddhas, who have entered the indivisible equality of past, present, and future, who live continuously through all ages without tiring, who are in the stage of the sphere of the unfragmented universal eye? “
