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夏·善巧慧 #160 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 我们是怎么样对待对方?
2. 我们应该选择怎么样面对对方?
3. 时光像风一般地前进,我们应该如何相聚呢?


[Meditative·Serenity] 依师多闻正修止观


Also, the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas says:
    Those who are unlearned in the contents of the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas, unlearned in the discipline of the noble teaching, and who derive a sense of sufficiency from mere concentration (三摩地) fall by virtue of their pride into an inflated sense of themselves. They will not escape from birth, aging, sickness, death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, unhappiness, or perturbation; they will not escape from the six realms of cyclic existence; they will not escape from the aggregation of suffering. With that in mind, the Tathagata said, “Learning from others what is appropriate, you will escape aging and death.”


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十一回 拜不动优婆夷


Achala said, “In this way, learning enlightening beings’ practice of firm resolve, absorbed in tireless search for all truths, established in enlightening beings’ way of liberation by invincible knowledge, I satisfy all sentient beings with good explanation by following mental command of the stage of equanimity in all things, using the skill of the light of knowledge of how to elucidate the basis of all things. How can I know the practice or tell the virtues of the enlightening beings who are imbued with inconceivable, measureless virtues, who are like eagles soaring independently through the sky, who plunge into the sea of sentient beings to take out the mature enlightening beings, who search the treasure island of omniscience for the jewels of knowledge of the ten powers, who go like strong fishers into the sea of the mundane whirl with the net of the Teaching to mature beings born amid craving and pull them out of it, who go like titan kings throughout all realms of existence quelling the titanic disturbances and agitations of afflictions, who rise like the sun in the sky of the reality realm to evaporate the water of beings’ cravings and dry up the mud of afflictions, who rise like the full moon in the sky to awaken the water lilies of the minds of the teachable, who support all beings equally, whether friendly or hostile, high or low, to plant and grow the sprouts of roots of goodness in all sentient beings, who go everywhere unhindered like the wind to uproot the afflictions and views of all sentient beings, who go through the world like sovereigns uniting all beings with generosity, kindness, assistance, and cooperation?


【广海明月】第312讲 莲花戒和支那堪布的渐顿之争

  此后就云游印度、尼泊尔各地,以种种神通降伏外道,还有以密咒调伏恶鬼,大弘佛法。他显赫的教证功德的名声传到了西藏,藏王赤松德赞就迎请他,然后赴藏。进入了西藏之后,莲花生大师降魔,然后建寺院,最具代表性的就是兴建了桑耶寺。在藏地广弘佛教的恩泽流传至今,利益了无数的有情。 [01′36″]


【广海明月】第311讲 前弘期:师君三尊、延续比丘戒传承

  我们现在来看仁波切的讲记,请大家看 139 页。在科判说:“第二、灭除损害梵行及三学者”,这是妙音笑大师的笺注。第二科的内容,是如何清除了以前藏地有许多损害戒定慧三学,还有损害戒学、比丘戒等梵行的这个情况。妙音笑大师将下文的这些内容就归入了第二科。“总之雪山聚中前弘圣教”,就是说藏地前弘期教法的时候——这里边就涉及到一个“雪山聚”和“前弘期”,我们先往下看,一会儿再解释。 [01′51″]



夏·善巧慧 #151 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 如何是一味地娇纵孩子?
2. 我们以为什么呢?
3. 他们和什么样的小孩都会出现什么状态?


[Meditative·Serenity] 静虑压伏烦恼,智慧摧灭随眠


For this reason the Sutra Unravelling the Intended Meaning says:
    Meditative stabilization suppresses afflictions; wisdom destroys dormant tendencies.


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十回 拜大光王


 Then King Mahaprabha came out of that concentration and said to Sudhana, “I know this medium of the light of knowledge of practice of enlightening beings which is characterized by great benevolence. How can I know the practice, tell the virtues, measure the mountain of merit, view the myriad stars of virtuous qualities, encompass the atmosphere of great vows, measure the power of impartiality toward things, clarify the forms of arrangements of the vehicle of universal salvation, express the excellences of the principles of universally good practice, open the doors of cultivation of great enlightening concentrations, or are inseparable companions to all beings; who have set out to save all beings, working equally with the superior, inferior, and middling; whose benevolence is as impartial as the earth, supporting all beings; who are impartial as the full moon, shining the light of virtue and knowledge equally on all beings; who are impartial as the sun, illumining the world with knowledge of all that can be known; who are like great lamps, dispelling the darkness in the recesses of all beings’ minds; who are like water-clarifying jewels, removing the turbidity of deceit and guile from the water of beings’ minds; who are like wish-fulfilling jewels, fulfilling the aspirations of all beings; who are like a gale, driving all beings into the citadel of omniscience with its houses of concentration and equilibrium?


【广海明月】第310讲 以法破除邪解,振兴西藏佛教

  此复住于阿里三载,聂塘九岁,卫藏馀处五年之中,为诸善士开示经咒教典教授,罄尽无馀。《甘丹法源史》谓觉窝尊生于壬午年,五十九岁时自印度启程,六十岁时抵尼泊尔,六十一岁至阿里,六十三岁至前藏,七十三岁时圆寂于聂塘,驻锡藏地十一载,此为一说。又那措所传善本方志谓觉窝尊生于庚午年,五十七岁时自印度启程,当年岁末入藏,甲午年七十三岁圆寂,于藏地驻十七载。二说之中,虽以前说为主,然此《道次第》中所说者,顺应后说。尊者驻藏十七载,圣教规模诸已没者,重新建树,诸略存轨,倍令增广,诸被邪解垢秽染者,皆善治除,令圣教宝悉离垢染。 [01′43″]
