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春·见光明 #47 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 摧伏自己的忿心,比起调伏别人是如何?
2. 一开始走上这条路,我们就怎么样?
3. 我们远离了什么?


[Meditative·Serenity] 安住于相顺的环境

[Meditative·Serenity] 安住于相顺的环境


The area should have five attributes: (a) easy access, so that necessities such as food and clothing may be readily obtained; (b) being a good place to live, where there are no wild beasts such as predators, no enemies, etc.; (c) being on a good piece of ground, in that it does not breed sickness; (d) offering good companionship insofar as your companions are ethically disciplined and likeminded; and (e) being well-situated inasmuch as there are not many people about in the day and little noise at night.


第二十九回 拜观自在菩萨

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十九回 拜观自在菩萨


 “I have only attained this way of enlightening practice through unhesitating great compassion. How can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of the universally good enlightening beings, who have perfected the vows of all enlightened ones, who have gone the way of the practice of the universally good enlightening being, who are uninterrupted streams of performance of good works, who are always focused on the perception of the concentrations of enlightening beings, who continue their practice without deviation or regression through all ages, who continuously adapt to the times everywhere, who are familiar with the changing currents in all worlds, who continuously work to extinguish all sentient beings’ bad thoughts and to increase their good thoughts, who continuously work to turn all sentient beings away from the repetitious circles of the mundane whirl?”



【广海明月】第328讲 正因著急修行,更显「次第」重要(四家注)

  实际上,这个善所缘是什么呢?那个时候大家都很喜欢念一句佛号,但是念一句佛号是以出离心念的、是以菩提心念的,还是想要希求空性的心念的?反正就是:啊!特别相信阿弥陀佛,相信佛陀会来救我们。但是在前行,念佛的前行和正行的时候,实际上有没有注意到防止昏沉和散乱?有没有彻底地去研习佛陀的功德?乃至有没有夹杂著各种烦恼的名利心在念?很显然前面的基础是不够的,修了很久之后,那个道心还是不行。所以并不是说:“啊!时间来不及了,我赶快修!”你就能修起来。这里边缺了什么呀?下脚处是什么?这个修行的下脚处是什么?次第是什么?沿著次第才能够到修到修所成慧。 [01′24″]


【广海明月】第327讲 《道炬论》极为殊胜的三种特色(四家注)

  接下来我们来看仁波切的讲记。第二科,“为于教授起敬重故开示其法殊胜”。那么我们可以想一下:为什么要开示这个法的殊胜呢?因为要对这个教授内心起恭敬和殷重这样的一个意乐。那么是令谁要起呢?就是令学的我们啊!在此妙音笑大师就做了科判,把它分作三科。 [01′53″]




夏·善巧慧 #136 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 有人说业力就像什么?
2. 诽谤别人就像什么?
3. 为什么业力会落到自己身上?


[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄止观次第决定之理

[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄止观次第决定之理


For Asanga’s Levels of Yogic Deeds says:
  Moreover, you can accurately know the reality of the truths from suffering to path, without having attained the first meditative stabilization, etc. As soon as this knowledge of the truths occurs, you stabilize your mind and do not analyze phenomena. Based on this higher wisdom, you pursue the practice of higher states of consciousness.


第二十八回 拜鞞瑟胝罗居士

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十八回 拜鞞瑟胝罗居士


 “I know this enlightening liberation of ultimate nonextinction; how can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of the enlightening beings who have attained instantaneous knowledge of past, present, and future, who dwell in all concentrations in the space of an instant, who are imbued with the light of those beings, and buddhas, whose realm is the manifestation of principles, whose nature is clarity, whose workings of knowledge pervade the network of worlds, who dwell unwavering on the seal of the teaching of all buddhas, who are in the range of knowledge making known all realms of reality, who are in the range of knowledge conveying the teachings of all buddhas?


【广海明月】第326讲 胜出余轨

  那如果原来痛苦十分钟,然后努力半个小时还是超越不了,有的人一个烦恼缠自己半个月穿越不了;有的人一个烦恼缠一生、缠半生,很多年之后那个事情还是过不去,就是被那个事纠缠,他穿越不了!这种东西就是很不容易的。但是“调心次第易于受持”,就是把这个心调到你想要调的那位置,它是很容易的,这是道次第系列我觉得很引人入胜的地方,也是我们眼睛发亮的地方! [01′09″]


【广海明月】第325讲 易于受持

  大家在看这几个字——“调心次第为最胜故,易于受持”,其实只是看这个《广论》原文的话,我们可以定睛于这几行字去想一想这是什么意思。然后再看师父的解释,说次第圆满,那么圆满还有什么好处呢?师父说:“真正你走上去的时候,必定要按照那个次第”。然后我们会想:真的吗?一定要按照次第走上去,不能跳级吗?不能跨越次第吗?说:“这个次第一乱,你走就走不上去了”,真的吗?先走后面再走前面不行吗? [01′19″]
