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夏·善巧慧 #146 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 一个小小孩,在做什么?
2. 可是大人都忙著做什么呢?
3. 如何让他们以后也许就不会那么叛逆?


[Meditative·Serenity] 集论所说依观修止之义


This means that they have not attained the serenity of the actual first meditative stabilization, or beyond; it does not preclude their having attained the serenity which is included in the access to the first meditative stabilization.


第二十七回 拜婆须密多女

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十七回 拜婆须密多女


“I know this enlightening liberation of ultimate dispassion, but how can I know the practice or tell the virtues of the enlightening beings who are endowed with the skill of endless means and knowledge, who are vast, inexhaustible treasuries of good, who are in the realm of invincible knowledge?


【广海明月】第324讲 学所诠圆满

  接著师父说:“但是有一个是特别的”,请问什么是特别?这里边《道炬论》特别在哪里呢?接著师父说:“最彻底圆满地把他所悟证的”,最彻底圆满地把他所悟证的,注意下面的,“从下脚第一步到最究竟圆满的整个的佛法,和盘托出的,这个才是其中最殊胜的,那么《菩提道炬论》就是属于这样的论。”为什么它是根本和圆满的呢?大家有没有看到?是“彻底圆满地把他所悟证的”,注意!次第,下脚的第一步乃至到最究竟圆满的佛法,全部都写出来了,《菩提道炬论》就是属于这样的论。 [04′32″]


【广海明月】第323讲 学尊者传目的:由思功德而生信

度母曾经授记阿底峡尊者:“觉窝,你到西藏的话,会有一位优婆塞依止你,他将对圣教和有情做极大的利益。”阿底峡尊者可能是和度母师生的关系好得不得了,好像很多事情请问都有问有答。所以阿底峡尊者后来是长时间住在聂塘寺——又称是“度母殿”的那个寺院,住在那儿长达九年之久。他也就是带著那个度母像,一直对度母祈求。 [01′08″]



夏·善巧慧 #176 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 有位男士怎么啦?
2. 有一天,他回到家,怎样了?
3. 太太走过来说了什么?


[Meditative·Serenity] 依照清净经论决择止观的次第


Accordingly, the way insight develops is that discerning analytical meditation generates pliancy. If this were not so, there would not be the slightest good reason to seek serenity first and then cultivate insight based on it.


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十六回 拜师子频申比丘尼


“Thus, I know the enlightening liberation of removal of all vain imaginings; but how can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of the enlightening beings who penetrate the infinite cosmos of realities, who are free from vain imaginings about all things, who pervade all realms of reality while sitting cross-legged in one body, who see all buddha-lands in their own bodies, who go to all buddhas in a single instant, in whose own beings the miracles of all buddhas are taking place, who lift up untold buddha-lands with a single hair, who show the eons of becoming and dissolution of untold worlds in their own pores, who in a single instant enter into the commonality of coexistence in untold eons, who enter untold eons in a single instant?


【广海明月】第322讲 殊胜弟子之功德(二)

  大家可以猜一下他多大年龄才遇到阿底峡尊者?你们心中会猜几岁呢?他十三岁就出家了,然后又去了喀什米尔依止到那么多的班智达学习,又翻译,而且又讲经,算算这都多少年了?他八十五岁才值遇了阿底峡尊者!他把所译出的经论请尊者校正,并且翻译出阿底峡尊者所著的这个《誓言摄要》。又供养尊者黄金七两等,求受胜乐灌顶及生圆二次第教授,并且依此教授专修后获得成就。八十五岁值遇上师、值遇阿底峡尊者,这是宝贤译师。 [01′21″]
