【Relying on the Teacher】- The Phenomenon During Dharma Degeneration Time
What are the phenomena in the age of Dharma degeneration? The phenomenon is everyone is not in a hurry to be liberated. During the Buddha’s time when the sublime teaching existed, once [a disciple] understood the concept, [he] immediately applied that concept to observe and reflect on the self, and then applied accordingly toward personal liberation, which is followed by helping others to be liberated. Seeking for liberation — to seek for individual liberation alone is Hinayana, the lesser vehicle; and to further advance to help others is Mahayana. Therefore, by then, there is no argument at all: everyone is of different nature and applies this accordingly to study and practice — with respect to those trying to catch up, when you are done learning, you turn around and help them, thus forming a very harmonious atmosphere. During this degenerate time, once with some understanding, instead of applying it, the feeling is, “well, mine is this way, how come yours is like that.” Then, everyone starts to argue. And then, if he is better than me, no doubt [I] am not convinced; whereas if he is worse than me, of course [he] will be looked down upon, and I won’t accept it even when he is better than me! Hence, this is the age of strife.
Venerable Richang – English Lamrim Volume 1, P75
末世的现象是什么?末世的现象啊,大家不是忙着去解脱。正法的时候,听懂了道理,马上把那个道理自己观察、反省,如法修行求解脱,进一步求了解脱就去帮助别人。求解脱,单单求解脱是小乘、二乘,然后呢进一步帮助别人的时候是大乘。所以那个时候一点诤论都没有的,各人的根性不一样,用不同的根性去学、去行,人家差的人,等到你学好了就帮助别人,所以上下和睦极了。到这末法的时候呢,懂得了一点道理了以后,不去修行,然后觉得:欸,我的是这个样,你怎么那样的话,大家互起诤论。然后他比我好的固然不服气, 他比我坏的固然是觉得瞧不起,他比我好的也不服气!所以这个是诤世。
日常法师——15B 13:38~14:41手抄稿第二册P239-LL7