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[善财童子五十三参][English] 第三十回 拜正趣菩萨

第三十回 拜正趣菩萨
第三十回 拜正趣菩萨

Therefore, having relied upon an excellent protector, solidify your certainty about the way that all the scriptures are causal factors for one person to become a buddha.

【◎ 是故应当依善依怙,于其一切正言,皆是一数取趣,成佛支缘。所有道理,令起定解。】


LAM RIM CHEN MO 《菩提道次第广论》


  有一天普胜生佛正在为众说法,众位正坐静听,正趣菩萨头上发结忽然颤动,知他方世界有圣人说法,普胜生佛对正趣菩萨说: “你身根有异像,并与娑婆世界有因缘,快去罢。”正趣菩萨静观思维,用慧眼观察到观自在菩萨正在说法,而且有善根深厚的弟子需要他协助,运用他的速疾三昧,刹那就到观自在菩萨面前。











  善财问:“什么是调伏其心?调伏的是什么心?”正趣菩萨反问善财道:“你知我在想什么?”善财道:“不知道。”菩萨道: “你的心里为什么有棵大树?收回来吧。”善财此时正在想菩提树下说法的佛,未及回答。菩萨又说:“不要把我装在你肚子里。”善财因菩萨识透想佛的心,转过来想正趣菩萨,又被识透。菩萨又说:“还不放下!”善财顿时万念俱寂而入正定,赤裸裸,空条条,混混然一无所有,一无所著。菩萨道:“这就是调伏其心,你还需到堕罗钵底城去求大天神的指教。”













Then Sudhana, with Avalokiteshvara’s verse of knowledge in mind, had not seen enough of Avalokiteshvara but obeyed his words and went to the enlightening being Ananyagamin. Paying his respects, Sudhana said, “Noble one, I have set my mind on supreme perfect enlightenment, but I do not know how to learn and carry out the practice of enlightening beings. I hear you give enlightening beings instruction, so please tell me how an enlightening being is to learn and carry out the practice of enlightening beings.”

Ananyagamin said, “I have attained an enlightening liberation ‘speeding forth in all directions.’

Sudhana asked, “What buddha did you learn it from? How far away is that buddha’s world, and when did you leave that world?”

Ananyagamin said, “This point is hard for celestial, human, and titanic beings, for monks and priests, to know, being the power of an enlightening being, the unregressing energy of an enlightening being, the accomplishment of the energy of an enlightening being. It cannot be heard or retained or believed in or comprehended by those who are not under the tutelage of spiritual benefactors, who are not under the attention of buddhas, who have no accumulated roots of goodness, who have not purified their intentions, who have not attained the faculties of enlightening beings, who do not have the eye of wisdom.”

Sudhana said, “Please tell me, noble one—I will believe, I will have faith, by the empowerment of buddhas and the assistance of spiritual benefactors.”

Ananyagamin said, “I come from the buddha-land of a buddha named Born of Universal Light in a world to the east called Full of Light. I attained the enlightening liberation ‘speeding forth in all directions’ at the feet of that buddha. As many eons as atoms in untold buddha-lands have passed since I left that world Full of Light. With each thought I take as many steps as atoms in untold buddha-lands, and with each step I pass as many buddha-lands as atoms in untold buddha-lands, in all of which are buddhas. I go to that has no formation, approved by the buddhas, pleasing to all enlightening beings. I also observe the oceans of sentient beings in all the worlds, penetrate their minds, discern their faculties, and appear to them bodily in accord with their inclinations and interests, speak of the Teaching, radiate auras of light, and provide them with various material necessities. I adapt my form for them, ceaselessly striving to guide them to perfection. And just as I proceed in the east, so do I also proceed in the south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest, the nadir and the zenith.

“I only know this enlightening liberation speeding in all directions. How can I know the practice or tell of the virtue of the enlightening beings who go everywhere, who face in all directions, who are in the realm of unfragmented knowledge, whose bodies are distributed evenly throughout all universes, who adapt their action to all sentient beings according to the inclinations and interests of those beings, whose bodies pervade all lands, who act in accord with the way things really are, who of all beings, who do not have arbitrary notions of buddhahood, who go along all paths without attachment or obstruction, who stand on the path of nonreliance?

“South of here is a city called Dvaravati, where the celestial Mahadeva lives. Go ask him how to learn and carry out the practice of enlightening beings.”

So Sudhana paid his respects to the enlightening being Ananyagamin and went on.

References 参考资料:​​
  1. 《华严经》 Avatamsaka Sūtra
  2. 善财童子五十三参原文、白话故事、图片 – 弘善佛教网
  3. The Flower Ornament Scripture A Translation Of The Avatamsaka Sutra By Thomas Cleary : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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