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【广海明月】第47讲 为了“不忘宗旨、除障碍”而祈求加持

  所以成办一件善事也好,或者写这样一部伟大的论著、我们学这样的论著、我们现在来研讨《广论》,其实也会遇到障碍的,有很多障碍。 那么怎么样能够随时随地净除我们的障碍,也使我们了解我们的归趣、不忘宗旨? 所以,上师们给出的方式是——敬礼尊重妙音! 礼敬佛菩萨就可以净除我们学习的障碍吗? 就可以让我们能够忆念到我们的宗旨吗? 是这样吗? 当我们在学《广论》,遇到各种各样的障碍的时候,我们有没有想到要祈求佛菩萨呢? 要礼敬佛菩萨呢? 为什么礼敬佛菩萨可以去除障碍呢? 为什么礼敬佛菩萨可以得到加持呢? 当我们对佛菩萨拥有信心,有多大的信心就有多大的加持力,完全是观待于我们的信心! [05′56″]

大家好! 又到了我们研讨《广论》的时间了。 最近不知道你们都过得怎么样? 生命中有很多欢乐、有很多痛苦、不如意的事情,但是无论怎样,我们已经在这一期的生命中,值遇了宗大师的教法、值遇了师父! 所有痛苦的根源,不像看起来那样,存在于我心之外的境上的人和事。 佛陀告诉我们所有痛苦的根源,在于心续上的无明。 当这种无明没有被破除的时候,我们在哪里都会觉得不快乐,都会觉得有种种不如意。 所以要像自己想象地那样,过快乐无忧的人生,那么就要终极地摧毁无明,因为无明才是一切痛苦的根本。 [01′14″]

  所以不像我们感受的那样,痛苦是存在于我心之外的一个人或者事上,因为那人和事如果变得好一点的话,好像我就会感受得好一点;实际上是我们的心上有这种烦恼的习气和种子。 从这样的一个角度思考的话,正因为我们内心的无明是可以被对治的,所以我们的痛苦也可以由于找到苦因、结束苦因而结束。 所以无论在生命中曾经发生怎样伤心痛楚的事情,都因为我们遇到了大宝佛教而有无限的希望,而此时正是我们会遇这希望的时光。 所以很希望大家能够专注一心,一起跟师父学《广论》! [02′03″]

  如果准备好了的话,我们就可以听了,今天应该听到第二小段。 听的时候大家不要走神,端正自己的意乐,要认真地听。 [02′18″]

  那么这个「论前归敬」,这个也是传统的一种,一个传统、一个传承。 它的意思有好几点,最简单的就是求加被、除障碍,使得造论能够圆满。 对我们学者来说,使得我们了解我们的归趣——就是我们的宗致,我们的宗致、我们归投、我们趣向;也同样地净除我们的障碍,达到我们得到究竟圆满。 那么这个是归敬的意思。 [03′08″]

  好,那么现在大家可以想一下,师父在这一段,从两方面讲了「敬礼尊重妙音」的意思。 师父说:「它的意思有好几点,最简单的就是求加被、除障碍」,就是从造论者来说,「使得造论能够获得圆满」。 [03′34″]

  可以想见多伟大的上师们,他们依然是遵循着这样的宗规向佛菩萨祈求。 其实这是一个非常美好的习惯,虽然它是一个传统、一个传承,但也不像我们想象那样,好像就只是一个规定。 假如它是一个规定的话,在这样的规定里有怎样的内涵呢? 内涵是最重要的! 内涵就是使造论者和学论的人都能得到利益。 从造论者来说,就是他会求加持,祈求能够去除造论的障碍。 那么对我们学习的人来说,师父说:「使我们了解我们的归趣」,他用了「我们的归趣、我们的宗致、我们的归投、我们的趣向……」这里边几乎全部都在谈宗旨对吧? 我们的生命将趣向哪里? 从造业的角度来说,我们生生世世强烈的那个业会趣向哪里? 我们天天在研讨《广论》之前,一定要一个大乘发心,也是要将我们的这一次听闻《广论》造集的业,一直朝向成佛的方向,而不要朝向背离成佛的方向。 [04′46″]

  所以成办一件善事也好,或者写这样一部伟大的论著、我们学这样的论著、我们现在来研讨《广论》,其实也会遇到障碍的,有很多障碍。 那么怎么样能够随时随地净除我们的障碍,也使我们了解我们的归趣、不忘宗旨? 所以,上师们给出的方式是——敬礼尊重妙音! 礼敬佛菩萨就可以净除我们学习的障碍吗? 就可以让我们能够忆念到我们的宗旨吗? 是这样吗? 当我们在学《广论》,遇到各种各样的障碍的时候,我们有没有想到要祈求佛菩萨呢? 要礼敬佛菩萨呢? 为什么礼敬佛菩萨可以去除障碍呢? 为什么礼敬佛菩萨可以得到加持呢? 当我们对佛菩萨拥有信心,有多大的信心就有多大的加持力,完全是观待于我们的信心! [05′56″]

  那么障碍这件事呢,有各种各样的障碍,最可怕的应该是内心中生起各种烦恼的障碍。 因为生起了各种烦恼的障碍之后,我们就会造恶业;造恶业之后,就会有更多的苦楚。 所以我们能改变的、能操纵的,也就是自己的心念。 遇到看似障碍的境界现前的时候,如果我们都能改变自心求得佛菩萨加持,来礼敬文殊菩萨、礼敬所有的佛菩萨,那么每一次有障碍现起的时候,我们就礼敬了一次或者多次佛菩萨,所以这也是让我们靠近佛菩萨一次一次的机会。 [06′42″]

  一旦熟练了这样的一个方法,当我们感觉到很多事情不顺、想去除障碍的时候,我们就不会在这些人事的是是非非里边一直纠缠,一直想要在这里边弄一个究竟。 当我们发现,无论讲什么、做什么都于事无补的时候,也不是就走投无路了,因为我们还有一条路——就是礼敬文殊尊、礼敬所有的佛菩萨,这也可以去除障碍! [07′08″]

  当然这样讲一讲,如何去体会在我们遇到障碍的时候,我们祈求佛菩萨会去除障碍呢? 就是要靠所有的修行者身体力行,真正地能够记住上师的这个行谊和他的教诲。 因为师父在这里边说的是我们学习要不忘宗旨,然后要去除障碍。 师父通篇都这样讲。 在看师父的行谊的时候,大大小小的事情,比如说那个时候园区买地呀,还有像我们司空见惯的一些,比如说哪个有机的产品突然丰收了,丰收了之后短时间卖不出去怎么办? 我看到师父,都是运用向佛菩萨祈求的方式。 [08′01″]

  这样一位高僧他拥有洞悉很多很多事物的智能,好像很多事情发生了,他都可以看到这个事情的本质。 但是,即便我们看到的,已经不知道是怎样行境的一位修行者、一位佛菩萨,他依然是去祈求佛菩萨! 你说这是一种传统、一种宗规吗? 是一种传承! 传承的是什么呢? 当有大大小小的事情发生的时候,我们要去祈求佛菩萨,希望能够得到佛菩萨的加被,去除我们的障碍。 这样的话,我们的善愿就能够圆满,我们利他的心愿,也透过一次一次地向佛菩萨的祈求和学习,调伏我们的内心包括我慢等等各种烦恼,更加趣向智能。 [09′04″]

  所以,这应该是一个很美妙的传规吧! 当我们在念到《广论》这句「敬礼尊重妙音」的时候,内心里是否能够进入到礼敬上师文殊的这样一种续流中呢? [09′26″]

Greetings to all! It is time for our discussion of the Lamrim again. Not sure how are all of you doing recently? In life, there will be many joyful as well as many painful and disappointing occurrences. Regardless of all these, we met both Master Tsong-Kha-Pa’s teachings and Master in this lifetime! We think that the causes of all sufferings are from external factors such as the environment and people.  However, reality is not like what we think. Buddha told us that the origin of all sufferings stems from the ignorance in our mental stream. Before this ignorance is removed, wherever we go, we will not find joy and peace, we will only feel all kinds of disappointment. If we want to live a happy, worry-free life like what we have been yearning for, then we must thoroughly destroy ignorance. [Why? It is] because ignorance is the root cause of all sufferings. [01′14″]

We erroneously think that our sufferings are associated with a particular person or an external condition. Because we feel better when that person or that external condition goes the way we want them to. [Quite the contrary,] sufferings originate from the afflictive latent propensity and seed in our mind. Think from this perspective, because our inner ignorance can be countered, consequently, our sufferings can also be resolved by identifying and removing its root cause. Thus, no matter what heart-wrenching events we have encountered before, our lives will be filled with infinite hope because we have encountered Buddha’s precious teachings. And at this very moment, it is the time of such infinite hopes. Thus, I truly hope everyone can stay focused while studying Lamrim with Master! [02′03″]

If you are ready, we can start listening [to the recording.] Today we will listen until the 2nd paragraph [of Master’s commentary on prologue]. While listening, please don’t be distracted. Please properly shape your motivation and listen earnestly. [02′18″]

The veneration at the beginning of the commentary is also a kind of tradition, one of the conventions, a lineage as well. It has several meanings, the simplest of which is to beseech blessings and to remove obstacles, and in so doing it helps make the composing of the treatise complete. For followers, it allows us to know our purpose, which is our core intention, our main objective, our reliance, and our direction. At the same time, it purifies our obstacles and helps us to achieve ultimate perfection. This is the meaning of the opening-veneration. [03′08″]

Great. Now let’s please ponder on it.  Master expounded “homage to the guru Manjughosa” from two aspects.  Master said, “it has several meanings, the simplest of which is to beseech blessings and to remove obstacles.” This is from the standpoint of the author of the commentaries; “in so doing it helps make the composing of the treatise complete”. [03′34″]

From this, we can envision that many eminent masters still followed such tradition as praying to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Actually, this is a very good habit to keep. Although it is a tradition and a lineage, it is not a rule by itself as what we think. Suppose it is a rule, what would be the implicit meaning? What matters the most is its intended intentions! The implicit intention is to benefit both the authors and the ones learning from the commentaries. From the perspective of the authors, they pray for blessings and the elimination of all the obstacles that would prevent them from composing the commentaries. As for those of us studying the commentaries, Master said, “it allows us to know our purpose”. Master used “our purpose, which is our core intention, our main objective, our reliance, and our direction,” so on and so forth. Right here, it talks purely about the core intention, right? What direction are our lives heading to? From the standpoint of karma, where will our weighty karmic propensity from life after life lead us? Prior to every daily Lamrim discussion session, we must have a Mahayana aspiration.  We should also dedicate the merits accumulated from listening to the Lamrim toward attaining Buddhahood, and not the opposite direction, away from Buddhahood. [04′46″]

Therefore, whether it is to do a virtuous deed or to compose such a great commentary, to continue our study of such commentaries, or to discuss Lamrim now, actually it is very likely that we will encounter lots of obstacles, quite many obstructions actually. Then how can we constantly eliminate our obstacles so as to enable our realization of what our purpose or core intention is? Hence, the solution provided by those eminent masters is paying homage to the guru Manjugosha! Is it true that paying homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would eliminate our obstacles in learning? Will that enable us to be mindful of our objective? Is it really so? While we are studying Lamrim and encountering all sorts of obstacles, did it ever occur to us that we should pray to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas? That we should pay homage to them?? Why paying homage to them can remove our obstructions? Why paying homage to them can help us receive their blessings? When we have faith in Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the deeper our faith, the more powerful the blessings. It is totally dependent on how much faith we have in them! [05′56″]

With respect to obstacles, there are miscellanies of them. The most dreadful one is the afflictive obstruction within our minds. This is because the arising of afflictive obstructions will cause us to create non-virtuous deeds. Consequently, there is more suffering. Thus, what we can change and control is only our mental continuum. Whenever we seemingly encounter afflictive obstructions, if we could change our mindset and pray for blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, pay homage to Manjusri Bodhisattva and venerate all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Then every time when we face such obstructions, we pay homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas once or numerous times, we get more opportunities repeatedly to be closer to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. [06′42″]

Once we become proficient in such a practice, whenever we feel things are not going the way as expected and we want to eliminate these obstacles, we will not be entangled in thoughts about the happenings around us, trying constantly to get to the bottom of things. And when we realize that no matter what we say, what we do, it is not going to change anything. However, it is not totally a dead end as there is still a path for us, that is to pay homage to Manjusri Bodhisattva and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it can also help remove obstacles! [07′08″]

Even having said so, how can we appreciate that when we meet with obstacles, we can be sure that praying to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will help us to remove the obstacles we are facing? It all boils down to the fact that we, the practitioners, need to remember what we have learned from the gurus and their teachings. Because Master mentioned here that we should not forget our principles, thereafter we also need to eliminate obstacles. Master was talking mainly on these [two points] in the whole passage. Looking at the example of Master, while handling all sorts of matters, big and small, such as in the case of purchasing the land for the educational park or ordinary things like what to do with the bountiful harvest of organic crops. What should be done if the harvest could not be distributed in a short timeframe? I noticed that Master always relied on the method of praying to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. [08′01″]

Master was such an eminent monk, endowed with sharp wisdom and insights in handling everything, no matter how many things happened, he was able to perceive the intrinsic essence of all these matters.  Regardless of what we have seen, Master was already a great practitioner and a Bodhisattva, he would always pray to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Seeing this, will you still think of paying homage to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as a tradition, or a set of rules stipulated by a monastery? A lineage? What exactly is lineage? So no matter what happens, be it small or big, we need to pray to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, aspiring to receive blessings from them and to remove our obstacles. Thus, our virtuous aspiration can be fulfilled, and our altruistic motivation can be enhanced. Meanwhile, through the practice of praying to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas again and again, we could tame all sorts of afflictions in our minds such as arrogance and so on, and moving one step closer toward wisdom. [09′04″]

All in all, this should be a very beautiful tradition! When we are reciting this “homage to the guru Manjugosha” in Lamrim, are we able to attune to such mental continuum of paying homage to guru Manjusri accordingly? [09′26″]


【 全广 II 】第 47 讲讨论题纲 (一)/如英法师

  1. 对于老师经常提策我们痛苦根源的方向,不知道大家每次听是越听越有感觉?还是觉得每次都觉得差不多?然后,老师在这里问了一个问题,表达了一份关心“不知道你们都过得怎么样?”,讨论一下,不知道你们都过得怎么样?
  2. 看着手抄回答,对于造论者“论前归敬”它的功用、意义是什么?对于学者来说,又有什么意义呢?

【 全广 II 】第 47 讲讨论题纲 (二)/如英法师

  1. 在[05’56”]前的段落中,大家讨论复习一下。我们有谈到宗旨,在皈敬颂中透过“敬礼尊重妙音”师父说:“使我们了解我们的归趣、宗致、归投、趣向……”,如何在我们研讨广论之前,如何让我们造集的业朝向成佛的方向,而不是背离成佛的方向,如何做到这点?
  2. 老师问了一个问题,要净除障碍了解我们的归趣还要不忘宗旨,上师们给与我们的方式是什么?我们也经常念,但是有念没念好像没什么差别,请问这个问题怎么办?
  3. 在后面的段落中,经常观察一下,面对外境内心真的是如理的吗?老师说,我们能够操作、改变的就是我们的心念。就是说,如何运用一种方法,看似障碍现前的时候,让我们的业转为跟成佛一致的方向,不要朝向背离的方向,有没有这样的方法能够调整那个宗旨跟方向,这方法是什么?知道方法后,祈求没感觉,烦恼一样炽盛,该怎么办?
References 参考资料:​​
  1. [廣海明月] 講次目錄
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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