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【广海明月】第40讲 美不胜收的二十二种发心

  每每提到宗大师教法,师父都会非常地感动,有的时候会热情洋溢。 在师父的心中,宗大师教法是那么地清净圆满,引领着很多很多有情走向解脱、走向成佛。 跟随在师父身边的时候,会深刻地感受到师父的身语意传递着强烈的虔诚的力量! 所以今天我们在上课之前,也希望大家能够端正自己的发心,用一个大乘的意乐——为利有情愿速成佛,以这样的意乐听闻今天我们研讨的部分。 [01′33″]

  大家好! 又到了我们一起研讨《广论》的时间了,觉得很幸福! 因为每到听师父的《广论》带的时候,就会回忆起跟随在师父身边学法的日子,那是我的生命、凤山寺很多法师的生命中,还有很多居士生命中,最最美好的一种回忆。 [00′29″]

  每每提到宗大师教法,师父都会非常地感动,有的时候会热情洋溢。 在师父的心中,宗大师教法是那么地清净圆满,引领着很多很多有情走向解脱、走向成佛。 跟随在师父身边的时候,会深刻地感受到师父的身语意传递着强烈的虔诚的力量! 所以今天我们在上课之前,也希望大家能够端正自己的发心,用一个大乘的意乐——为利有情愿速成佛,以这样的意乐听闻今天我们研讨的部分。 [01′33″]

  如果以一个清净的、哪怕是造作的为利有情愿成佛这样一个动机,终于有一天,我们由于造作、不断地串习,会生起真正的菩提心。 所以每天研讨之前动机的调整,还是不可或缺的,是非常重要的,可能对我们来说有如阳光普照一般。 [02′01″]

  现在大家调整好了之后,我们就要开始听师父的带子。 今天师父是讲到宗大师开讲十七部论的这个故事,可能稍稍有一点长,所以在听的时候不要走神,要全神贯注,好吗? 如果准备好了就开始听了喔! [02′25″]

  好,我们现在继续下去。 《菩提道次第广论》,昨天说到那个宗喀巴大师,他一天能够讲二十一座,最多的时候讲二十九部大论,一个法会当中。 他曾经有一次在一个法会上面,他这么说啦! 他说:「现在末法啦! 我们不管……大家都条件差呀! 」他想起世尊正法时候的盛况,他就说在他们那个时代,就是指西藏曾经有过一个很辉煌的法会,在同一个法会里边,有一位大善知识能够讲十一座。 十一座,就是每天这样讲经的法会讲十一座,每座讲一部论,每一部论它有一个主要的一个内容,然后要旁征博引全部的经论。 这是非常不简单、非常不简单的! 我们平常讲一部那都不大容易,他要讲十一部。 [03′47″]

  那么所以很多弟子就赞叹啊,所以就说劝请,请那个大师──宗喀巴大师。 他就说:「假定我稍微用功一点的,也许可能做得到。 」那么所以很多弟子们、周围很多的善知识都来劝请──法本身都要非常恭敬地劝请。 那么大师就说:「好,那我试试看。 」所以他就事先马上就闭关,一心一意地准备。 那么后来这个消息传开了,本来大师已经是当地出了名的,所以有许多人听见这个消息,大家就来请求说要参加这个法会,这样殊胜难得,末法的时候,希望稍微减缓几天,大家要赶来听。 [04′46″]

  所以大师刚开始的时候稍稍讲,经过了又缓了几天以后,结果一天同时开讲十五部大论;实际上讲完了十七部大论。 啊,大家是赞叹不已! 以后曾经最高的时候讲二十一部大论。 我们单单听见这个数字,啊! 只是赞叹、赞叹,如果我们将来真的有机会能够参加这种大善知识的修行道场,那时候才了解殊胜,不可思议。 他不但如此,而且他自己本身的修行还一点都并没有差脱,并没有差脱! 就这样,所以这个地方特别说明大师本身的成就。 [05′38″]

  关于这一点啊,我鼓励你们看一看宗喀巴大师的《应化因缘集》,佛教书局有。 那同样地,我们手上已经发的这个《阿底峡尊者传》,它不仅仅是他的传记,对我们有很大的启发,有很大的启示。 那个就是本论的作者,而大师本身的成就之高,我这里不进一步解释。 那个是造者。 那么下面就是翻译的法尊法师,他是民国以后的一位了不起的大法师,他是走了没有几年,大概才四、五年吧! 那么我想我这个只是非常简单的说明啊! [06′31″]

  好,大家刚才有认真听吗? 师父在这一段里讲的宗大师讲十七部论的故事,在克主杰大师所著的《宗大师传. 起信津梁》里也有这样的记载,那年宗大师是三十三岁。 在这之前,他详加阅读所有西藏翻译的经典,就是把凡是翻译过来的经典,还有佛经的注释都看了,因此他对一切经论就产生了许多许多的思考、抉择,所以他就在三十二岁那年写了《现观庄严论》的广释,简称《善说金鬘论》。 [07′21″]

  大家都知道,今年我们夏天就在热火朝天地学习《金鬘论》,整个寺院像过节一样。 我们这个学程里面有应届的学生,正式学《金鬘论》第二年;然后还有两班是跳班的,可以想见跳班生是很辛苦的,因为我们是用藏文在学;还有一些随喜的法师们,所以今年整个寺院掀起了学习《现观》的热潮。 我也在学,我们每天都像过节一样。 [07′57″]

  尤其是当讲到《金鬘论》中的二十二种发心的时候,非常非常地感人! 那一天是好几个法师的生日,还有一个小沙弥过生日。 他就跟我说:「老师,我过生日了! 可不可以给我生日礼物? 」我想了想,说:「我给你的生日礼物你敢不敢要? 」他说:「敢收啊! 」我就跟他说:「请你把二十二种发心完整地背下来。 」因为现在汉文的翻译还没有最后确定,所以他先背藏文。 「背下来之后,到我这来领生日礼物。 」结果刚说完,就有好几个沙弥举手说:「啊! 我也是今天生日、我也是今天生日……。 」他们都要背二十二种发心。 [08′41″]

  从那天开始,我就收到了「啊! 一个月之后是我的生日。 」或者说:「前几天我过生日了,我可不可以也要这个礼物? 」可以想见法师们对于闻思的热情和勇悍。 其实他们已经有要背的很多经典了,那二十二种发心不是必背的,但是实在是太美、太美了,所以法师们都争相地要把它背下来。 我觉得这真是盛况,前所未有的盛况! 其实挺想要你们能够看到,但是透过我的描述能够感受一下也可以。 大家也可以发愿以后能够听到汉文版的《现观庄严论》,因为法师们已经学完了。 今年这是第二梯次的《金鬘论》,今年《现观》第二年。 开心吧? 听一听,开心吧? [09′28″]

Greetings to all! It is time for us to study Lamrim together again, feeling very fortunate! Every time when I listen to the recording of Master’s Lamrim commentary, it always brings back memories of those days when I was learning Dharma by his side; they are the most wonderful memories in my life as well as in the lives of many monastics and many lay practitioners. [00′29″]

Whenever Master mentioned Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa’s teaching, Master would be very moved, sometimes brimming with enthusiasm. In Master’s heart, Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa’s teaching is so pure and complete; directing many many sentient beings towards liberation, towards Buddhahood. While I was by Master’s side, I could deeply sense the strong power of earnest devotion exuded from Master’s body, speech, and mind! Hence, prior to our class today, again, I hope everyone can adjust your aspiration, applying the Mahayana’s motivation, which is to quickly achieve Buddhahood so as to benefit all living beings. Using such a motivation to listen to the section for our discussion today. [01′33″]

With a pure motivation, even if it is an emulated intention “to achieve Buddhahood for the sake of benefiting all living beings”, someday, due to this emulation and continuous practice, we could actually develop the genuine spirit of enlightenment. Thus, shaping our motivation prior to the daily discussion is still inevitable; it is very crucial, probably as important as the sunshine for us. [02′01″]

Now that everyone has adjusted their motivation, we will start listening to Master’s recording. Today, Master talks about the story of Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa imparting the seventeen commentaries. It could be a little lengthy, so don’t be distracted while listening, we must listen attentively, alright? If you are ready, let’s begin! [02′25″]

Well, now let us continue with the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. We talked about Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa yesterday and learned that he could lecture twenty-one sessions in one day. The highest number he taught was twenty-nine teachings in one ceremony. He once, at an assembly event, stated, “Our present time is degenerating! If we leave it alone…our overall [environmental] conditions are waning!” Thinking of the grand conditions [that existed] during Buddha’s time, Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa stated there was a very splendid Dharma assembly once in Tibet. Within this assembly, there was a great teacher who taught eleven sessions. To teach eleven sessions meant to expound upon the teachings for eleven sessions every day [for several days]. Each session consisted of one commentary, and each commentary had its main topic. All were expressed in an erudite manner by quoting from encompassing scriptures and commentaries. This was definitely not an ordinary task, definitely not simple at all! Normally, lecturing one treatise is not easy for us, but this great teacher imparted eleven of them. [03′47″]

Thus, many disciples praised, and implored [teachings from] the Master – Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa. He responded, “If I put in a little more effort, perhaps I will be able to do the same [as this great teacher].” Thus, many disciples and virtuous scholars came to supplicate, for Dharma requires supplication with great veneration. Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa agreed, “Very well, I shall give it a try.” Thus, he immediately entered into a retreat and single-pointedly focused on the preparation. Later, news of this event was widely spread. Since he was already a prominent local Master, many people heard the news and pledged [to attend] this Dharma assembly, which was very rare and hard to come by at that degenerate time. They asked for the event to be postponed for a few days so that more people could arrive in time to listen to the teachings. [04′46″]

Therefore, Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa began with a brief start and, after several days’ gradual progress, ended by teaching fifteen commentaries in one day. In actuality, he completed seventeen commentaries. Wow! Everyone gave exclamations of praise. Later, the highest record that [Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa] achieved was the completion of twenty-one major commentaries. Ah! Just by hearing these numbers, we feel nothing but praise and admiration! If there is an opportunity in the future for us to be present at the places of cultivation of Great Teachers’, it will be a time [for us to] apprehend how auspicious and inconceivable they are. Not only did [Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa] teach [in this way], he also tended to his personal practice without any slack or laxity! That was the way [that he practiced]. Therefore, [I] specifically presented the personal accomplishments of this great teacher – Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa. [05′38″]

In regards to this, I encourage you to read the life story of Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa. [The Chinese version] can be found in the local bookstore. By the same token, the Biography of Atisha, the copy we just distributed to everyone, is not merely a biography but also a book of great inspiration to us – very encouraging. [Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa] is the author of this Treatise, and I will not go into the deep discussion of his remarkable accomplishments at this moment. So far, [we have introduced] the author [Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa]. Next, we will learn about the translator, Venerable Fa-zun. He was a great Master since the [time of the] establishment of the Republic of China. He passed away a few years ago, perhaps about four or five years! These [are some facts] that I would like to briefly mention here! [06′31″]

Great, has everyone listened attentively? In this section, Master told the story of how Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa imparted 17 commentaries; this is also recorded in Venerable Khedrubje’s Biography of Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa. At that time, Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa was thirty-three years old. Before this [his imparting of 17 commentaries], Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa avidly read all of the translated scriptures in Tibetan. That is, he read extensively including all translated scriptures and annotations of Sutras. Therefore, [the extensive reading enabled] him to develop numerous contemplation and empowered him with discerning judgment. Thus at the age of 32, he composed the Detailed Annotation of the Ornament for Clear Knowledge, called the Golden Garland of Eloquence for short. [07′21″]

As everyone knows, this summer we are studying the Golden Garland of Eloquence intensively; so much so that it seems like the entire monastery is celebrating a festival. In this curriculum, there are monastics who have finished the first round of the 5 Great Treatises this year, and they are officially entering the second year learning of the Golden Garland of Eloquence. In addition, there are two monastic classes who have skipped their grades [to join studying the Golden Garland of Eloquence]. You can imagine how challenging it is for those grade-skipping monastics because the entire study is in Tibetan language. There are also some monks auditing the class, so the fervour of studying the Ornament for Clear Knowledge upsurges in the entire monastery this summer. I am learning it as well; every day [we enjoy the learning so much that it] seems as if we were having a festival. [07′57″]

It was especially inspiring when we discussed the twenty-two kinds of aspirations in the Golden Garland of Eloquence! That day happened to be the birthday of several venerables and a young novice monk. He [the young novice monk] said, “Teacher, it is my birthday today! May I have a birthday present [from you]?” I thought about it, and replied, “Are you brave enough to accept a birthday present from me?” He said, “Yes, I am!” I then told him, “Please memorize the entire twenty-two kinds of aspirations.” Since we haven’t finalized the Chinese translated version, he will have to memorize it in Tibetan. I said, “After you have memorized it, come to see me to claim your birthday gift.” Right after I finished saying this, several novice monks raised their hands and said, “Oh! Today is also my birthday, and so is mine …” They all want to memorize the twenty-two kinds of aspirations. [08′41″]

From that day on, I have received several requests saying, “Ah! My birthday will be one month from now.” Or some said, “I had my birthday a few days ago, can I also get this present?” You can imagine the enthusiasm and courage the monastics have towards studying and contemplating the teaching. Actually, they already have to memorize quite a number of scriptures. The twenty-two kinds of aspirations are not [one of] their requisites; nevertheless, [they are eager to memorize them]. The 22 kinds of aspirations are very wonderful, truly awesome, so the venerables are keen on memorizing them. I consider this quite phenomenal, an unprecedented occasion! In fact, I really wish that you all could have seen it; however, through my description, you should be able to get a taste of it as well. You all can [take this opportunity to] make a wish to hear the Ornament for Clear Knowledge in Chinese in the future since [some of our] venerables have already completed the learning of it. This is the 2nd part of the Golden Garland of Eloquence teaching, and it is the 2nd year of our studying the Ornament for Clear Knowledge. Are you delighted? Just by hearing this, are you delighted? [09′28″]


【全广第 2 轮 】第 40 讲讨论题纲 (一)/如净和尚

  1. 师父为什么举宗大师一天讲十五座、十七座大论来证成宗大师的功德?
  2. 前面老师讲师父对宗大师教法的虔诚,跟随师父身边会深刻感受到师父身口意传递著强烈虔诚的力量,这个跟后面大乘的意乐、动机的调整有什么关系?
References 参考资料:​​
  1. [廣海明月] 講次目錄
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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