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【广海明月】第34讲 闻思教典、发心于上,才能取法于中

  想一想,师父为我们讲《菩提道次第广论》,今年(2018 年)满三十年了。 多年前,应该很多很多居士、很多很多出家人都念佛,我也念佛。 那个时候拼命念佛,比如说可不可以昼夜十万? 就是一天一夜念十万佛号,能不能做到? 然后就开始拼命拼命念。 那时候碰到很多很多居士也都是在拼命念佛,大家是非常非常精进的,对阿弥陀佛有难以想象的信心。 所以当刚开始学《广论》的时候,很多居士都非常在乎师父提到净土法门、师父是教我们怎么念佛的。 甚至我们在研讨班里讨论讨论,有的居士就站起来说:「欸? 师父好像不赞同我们念佛! 」然后我说:「师父是非常非常赞同念佛的,师父没有说你不能念佛,师父只是说怎样去圆满我们往生极乐世界的愿望,而且是最高程度的圆满,是立一个什么样的志向;一个万修万去的法门,是怎样真正能够做到万修万去。 」 [01′21″]

  想一想,师父为我们讲《菩提道次第广论》,今年(2018 年)满三十年了。 多年前,应该很多很多居士、很多很多出家人都念佛,我也念佛。 那个时候拼命念佛,比如说可不可以昼夜十万? 就是一天一夜念十万佛号,能不能做到? 然后就开始拼命拼命念。 那时候碰到很多很多居士也都是在拼命念佛,大家是非常非常精进的,对阿弥陀佛有难以想象的信心。 所以当刚开始学《广论》的时候,很多居士都非常在乎师父提到净土法门、师父是教我们怎么念佛的。 甚至我们在研讨班里讨论讨论,有的居士就站起来说:「欸? 师父好像不赞同我们念佛! 」然后我说:「师父是非常非常赞同念佛的,师父没有说你不能念佛,师父只是说怎样去圆满我们往生极乐世界的愿望,而且是最高程度的圆满,是立一个什么样的志向;一个万修万去的法门,是怎样真正能够做到万修万去。 」 [01′21″]

  后来我在跟师父学习的时候,也有认真地请问过这个问题。 然后师父他说:内心深处也确实是想,讲《菩提道次第广论》能够帮到各宗各派的修行人。 大家如果选择他相应的法门,一定要对整体的教法有全面的认识,这样的话就会真正地做到一门深入。 [01′46″]

  现在要调整自己的心! 现在我们要开始听了。 别忘了大乘发心! 听的时候注意要全神贯注。 全神贯注呢,有一个譬喻:在旷野里边有一个小动物牠在奔跑,或者在走路,突然天空一个霹雳,「喀! 」一个霹雳,那个小动物就立刻停下来——「犹如野兽乍闻声」,那就是一个听闻的状态。 能想象吗? 就是那样的一个状态,其实心里是没有杂念的,是全部在听。 [02′32″]

好! 我们再听一下师父的带子。 [02′37″]

  所以你刚开始去的时候,你要求的就是上品上生,乃至于有一个人就求无上乘,说我要去现在去念的是要求什么? 要求这个寂光净土的上品上生,上品上生还分四土九品的。 那个时候,当然,我们现在的条件,不一定真的能够达到「寂光」的上品上生,乃至于「同居」的上品上生都得不到。 那没有关系,你可以得到上品中生,上品下生,至少你可以很稳。 还有一点,因为你的愿心这样的,将来一去,见到了佛,你所追求的圆满的东西,很快,这条直路。 这是我们要了解的。 [03′20″]

  所以在这个本论我一开头说明,我并不说建议大家要学哪一个宗派,或者哪一个法门,完全不是! 这个宗派法门,这是你们自己选你们个人自己相应的。 而是一开头的时候,我们要了解佛法的整个圆满的内容是什么,你有了正确的了解了以后,然后把你的目标一开始的时候,规划出来。 从这一个认识当中,选取找到你自己相应的路,然后你走上去的话,千稳百当,而且是最省事、最快速、最圆满,念佛照样地念,参禅照样地参。 [04′07″]

  不知道这一段大家在研讨的时候是怎么研讨的? 首先师父在这里边提出:已经改了,不是说只要念得去就好;原来是赶快,只要念得去就好了,下品下生也行。 但是如果是想要去下品下生的话,结果就是下品下生也去不成。 这里边不是喔,是要上品上生的,而且求无上乘。 我要去念要求什么? 「要求寂光净土的上品上生」,所以是非常高的目标! 以这样的目标、以这样的志向去希求的话,不一定能够得到寂光净土的上品上生,但至少中品也可以呀,乃至同居土的上品上生也行! 但是如果连同居土的上品上生都得不到,也没关系呀,因为可以上品中生、下生啊! 至少,注意! 「至少可以很稳」,就是一定去得了。 净土宗的大德也非常强调这一点,说:「你不能发心下品下生,那一定去不了。 」所以发心于上,然后取法于中,才能够去得了。 [05′30″]

  那么,为什么人敢发这样的心呢? 他一定是了解了这些发心的胜利,对教典进行了闻思,他会反复地琢磨这一件事情,然后请问善知识啊、跟别人探讨啊,所以才能够发这样的一个心。 发这样的一个心之后,至少可以很稳。 还有一点,师父说,因为我们的愿心是将来去见佛,我们所追求的是最圆满的佛果,所以去极乐世界干什么? 不是去天天散步啊、看花呀,不是这样的,是「鸟树虚空明」,都在说法、都在修行呀! 没有一处的缘起不在提醒我们修行,跟着佛陀好好地修行啊,走无上菩提之路。 如果你为了学习、为了成就佛果,到处见闻念知都在提醒我们要提正念啊、要怎么修行啊,那你就快乐极了,对不对? 因为还是那个续流嘛! 所以师父希望我们了解这一点。 大家听了会不会很开心啊? [06′38″]

  另外,下面师父又说了,在本论的一开头就提出:「我们要了解佛法的整个圆满的内容是什么,你有了这个正确的了解之后,然后把目标一开始的时候,规划出来。 从这样一个认识当中,选取找到我们自己相应的路,然后走上去的话」,师父接着说了几句——「千稳百当」,一个;注意! 「而且最省事」,两句了;「最快速」,三句;「最圆满」,几句了? 四句。 「千稳百当、最省事、最快速、最圆满! 念佛照样地念,参禅照样地修。 」其实这几个都是我们修行人最最渴望的一件事情。 「千稳百当」,我们是心慌没把握;然后「最省事」,干什么事情都想省事、得到一个最好的。 那居然对佛法整个地了解了之后,「咦! 怎么变成了一件省事儿的事情? 」学那么多经典还省事吗? 学经典不是很费力气吗? 很省事! 然后选取、找到你自己相应的路走上去,是省事、快速、圆满! [08′01″]

  我记得以前在广论班的时候,有一个同学一开始学习非常非常认真,但是她觉得听不懂,学什么都比大家慢。 结果跟在班里两年、三年,还是一年,我记不清楚了。 有一次寺院开法会,然后她去念佛,她非常非常喜欢念佛。 念完佛之后,就开始跟别人讲说:「哎! 《广论》里怎么讲,怎么样对阿弥陀佛生起信心,有什么功德……。 」这一讲出来,开始围了一群人,后来越围越多,大家都在旁边听。 她就是一口气讲了两三个小时没停下来! 等到讲完了,她非常非常惊讶,所有的人说:「哇,你学得太好了,你怎么讲得这么好! 」 [08′45″]

结果那天回来之后,她就给我讲这件事,哇,精神大振,眼睛炯炯有神! 她在我们广论班学习,从来没有那么有自信过,从此她就更精进地学《广论》了。 所以,她学了一段时间突然发现:哇! 她可以跟别的同学谈修行,谈三个小时停不下来,这以前怎么可能! 都是别人滔滔不绝地说,她在旁边听,听还听不懂,还问:「这是怎么回事啊? 那是怎么回事呀? 」别人说:「啊,等等、等等! 让我们讲完,往下学。 」结果那么大的进步。 她现在也非常努力地在学《广论》,非常非常地好! [09′35″]

  记住,刚才这几个了? 「千稳百当」,一起说:「最省事、最快速、最圆满」,这都是我们非常非常期待的事情。 那这样的一种结果——「千稳百当、最快速、最圆满、最省事」,其实最省事这件非常夺目,我们现代人都怕忙、怕烦,越省事越好,因为很多事实在太麻烦了。 所以,问一下:「最省事」,这件事是怎么达成的呢? 开始「要了解佛法整个圆满的内容」,注意! 在内容前面有一个,「『圆满』的内容是什么」;接着下面,「有了正确的了解」,对这个圆满内容一定要有正确的了解,确定目标,这样是最省事的。 [10′29″]

  不知道听到这里,大家还是不是有疑问:「真的吗? 」举个简单例子,我小的时候就经历过这样的一件事情,父母都不在家,结果呢? 我小学的老师突然到了我们的城市来看我爸爸了。 可是我怎么办呢? 因为我平常就会看我爸爸妈妈做饭,所以那次我给我的老师准备了十六道菜! 有一道菜就是冰淇淋上面放上樱桃,冰淇淋是白的嘛,然后樱桃是红的,那道菜叫「雪山堆火」,我就是凑了十六道菜。 其实那时候我也很小,为什么会有十六道菜,就是看我爸妈炒过,尤其是过年的时候,不是家家户户都吃很多菜吗? [11′18″]

  当时我在做菜的时候,我们老师说:「哎呀,你还下厨房? 我给你做还差不多! 」我说:「老师这么远的地方来,而且好几年没见了,怎么可能让老师给我煮饭呢? 老师您就坐在客厅,我去煮! 」结果我真的煮了十六道菜。 当时摆出来的时候,老师非常非常地惊讶。 [11′37″]

  注意哦! 我不是在这儿自我吹嘘,我是说如果你不先看看怎么炒的,什么菜和什么菜配、多少酱油、什么时候从锅里拿出来,甚至装盘子也不能装得乱七八糟,要装得整洁一点,因为要供养给自己的老师嘛! 那天我没有摔碎盘子、也没有摔碎碗、也没把酱油倒在身上、也没有弄着火。 总之,我觉得那都取决于我一天天看、一天天看,轮到自己的时候,就可以弄出来。 不然我们老师来,我就只能煮方便面,什么都不会了! 方便面可能还不会煮,倒开水的时候都有可能烫到自己。 [12′16″]

  所以,对事情常常有一个全局的观念去看的话,慢慢地轮到你自己下手的时候,你就不会是只煮个方便面。 甚至没办法了,我们老师还得说:「哎呀,同学你饿不饿呀,我给你煮个饭吧! 」就变成那种了。 [12′32″]

你说省不省力呢? 要是之前没看的话是不可能——因为不是花很多时间煮的,一道煮完再煮一道、再煮一道,好像很快地就煮完了。 现在我想想,那时候是不是佛菩萨加持我了? [12′48″]

Think about it, up to this year [2018], it has been 30 years since Master imparted the commentary on the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment for us. Many years ago, there were a large number of lay practitioners and many monastics chanting [Amitabha] Buddha’s name [regularly], and I was one of them as well. Back then, [I] chanted [Amitabha] Buddha’s name with all my might, for example, [I] aspire to chant one hundred thousand times in 1 day-and-night. That is, [I tried to see] if it is possible to chant Buddha’s name for one hundred thousand times in one day. [With such an aspiration, I started doing my utmost to achieve [100,000 chanting per day]. At that time, many lay practitioners I met exerted all their efforts to chant Buddha’s name as well; everyone was very very diligent and possessed incredible faith and confidence in Amitabha Buddha. That was why many lay practitioners in their early years of learning Lamrim cared very much about how Master referred to the Pure Land practice, and how he taught us to chant Buddha’s name. Even in our study groups, while discussing, some lay practitioners would [bluntly] stand up and voice [their concerns], “Uh?  Master seemed to disagree with our chanting of Buddha’s name!” And then I replied, “[No!]  Master highly approved the chanting of Buddha’s name.  Master did not tell you not to chant Buddha’s name. Instead, he just told us how to completely fulfill our aspiration of being reborn in the Pure Land, [not only be there,] but also [achieve] the highest level of perfection there. [With that in mind, he told us] how to set – [our] aspirations accordingly, i.e. an approach that if ten thousand practitioners practice it, all ten thousand of them will be able to [be reborn in Pure Land] – how to truly accomplish [100% reborn rate in Pure Land]. [01′21″]

Later when I studied with Master, [I] also sought advice from him seriously regarding this question. Then, Master said, “Deep down in my heart, I indeed think imparting the teaching of the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment can truly help different sects and schools of practitioners. If everyone chooses his preferred approach, he must have a complete understanding of the Buddha’s teaching in its entirety, so that he can really delve into (the teachings) until reaching the core of his chosen path.” [01′46″]

Now, let’s adjust our mentality! We are about to begin the listening now. Don’t forget [your] Mahayana aspiration! Please pay full attention while listening. There is an analogy for being fully attentive. While a small animal running or walking in the wilderness, all of a sudden, a thunderclap struck from the sky. “Ka!” Instantly the thunderclap totally freezes that little animal [from action], “like an animal hearing noises suddenly” [Global LR II teaching 19]. Our listening to the teaching should be just like that, fully attentive. Can you imagine or picture that? That is a pure state of being fully attentive without any other disturbing thought, and all [senses focused] on listening. [02′32″]

Well! We then listen to Master’s next recording. [02′37″]

So in the beginning, you should set [your aspiration] for the highest level. Some even set out for Ultimate Enlightenment and specify it as the aspiration of their study. The goal is a rebirth to the highest level in the Land-of-Eternally-Quiescent-Light. This highest level is divided into four Buddha-dhatus* and nine grades (四⼟九品). For now, of course, we lack the qualifications [to be reborn in these Buddha-dhatus]. There is no certainty that we can reach this high status in Quiescent-Light, for the highest level of the Land-of-Common-Residence is even not easy to get. It doesn’t matter whether you can attain the middle level or the lowest level of the highest class; at least your attainment is very stable. Furthermore, because of your aspiration, once you are there, you will see Buddha and your aspiration will be fulfilled very quickly. This is a shortcut that we should know. [03′20″]

[*four Buddha-dhatus 四⼟:



凡圣同居⼟Land-of-Common-Residence- of-Beings-and-Saints、


So I stated at the beginning of this commentary that I am not suggesting that you adopt any specific sects or schools of thought, absolutely not! The choice of sects or schools of thought relies on your personal level of understanding. From the very beginning, [you should strive] to achieve a complete understanding of the entire content of the teaching. Once you have the proper comprehension, then [you can] approach your goals with a proper planning. With this recognition, you can make a decision for a confirmed path and advance from there. It will happen steadily and surely. Moreover, it will be the easiest, quickest, and most comprehensive [path]. The same applies to both approaches of chanting Buddha’s name or Zen meditation. [04′07″]

 Not sure how all of you discussed this section? First, Master mentioned in here that the aspiration has been adjusted, for the chanting is not just to be reborn in the Pure Land. The original intent was hastily [chanting and wish] to be reborn there. As long as my chanting can lead me there, even the entry level will do. However, if the intent is to be reborn at the entry level, it is very likely not going to happen at the end. But it is different here, [one] aspires for the highest level of rebirth, and it has to be the ultimate enlightenment. What is my aspiration for chanting [Amitabha Buddha]? It is for the “rebirth to the highest level in the Land-of-Eternally-Quiescent-Light”, so it is a very lofty goal! To apply such an aspiration toward such a [lofty] goal, [I] might not be able to reach the highest level of the Land-of-Eternally-Quiescent-Light, but at least the attainment of the middle level will do, or even the highest level of Land-of-Common-Residence-of-Beings-and Saints will also be fine! However, if the highest level of Land-of-Common-Residence-of-Beings and-Saints is unable to be attained, that doesn’t matter too, because its middle level of the highest class or the lower level of the highest class is acceptable as well! At least, pay attention! “At least your attainment is very stable”. That is, the aspiration will definitely be fulfilled. Eminent Pure Land masters also emphasize this point by saying: “Your aspiration should not be limited to the lowest level because [with this mindset] to be reborn there, [you will] definitely fail.” Hence, we must aspire the loftiest goal, then [practice diligently to reach at least] considerable attainment. Thus, to be reborn in the Pure Land will only be possible. [05′30″]

So, why are that practitioners dare to make such an aspiration? They must have recognized the benefits of such an aspiration through the study and contemplation of the scriptures & sutras. They repeatedly ponder on this matter, then consult virtuous teachers, as well as discuss with others, and hence they are able to have such an aspiration [to be reborn in the highest level of Pure Land]. With such an aspiration, at least one will be [100%] assured of going there steadily and surely. Moreover, Master mentioned that because our aspiration is to meet with Buddha in the future, what we are pursuing is the most ultimate, encompassing Buddhahood, then what will be our purpose when being reborn in the Pure Land? It is not about going there to take daily leisure strolls or to admire flowers. Nothing like that, but [rather] an environment in which “[the sounds of] birds and trees in space” are all giving teachings, [incessantly] remind everyone to practice/ meditate! Every single arising condition reminds us to practise, to follow Buddha [‘s teaching] and practice properly, and to walk the path to ultimate enlightenment. If you aspire to learn, to achieve Buddhahood, every seeing, listening, thinking (mindfulness), understanding is [constantly] reminding us to be mindful [of the proper perception] and how to abide them; then you will be extremely joyful, right? Because that is the mental continuum! Hence, Master hoped that we could comprehend this point. Are you all very happy to hear this? [06′38″]

Moreover, Master followed by repeating what was mentioned in the very beginning of this Lamrim commentary: “[you should strive] to achieve a complete understanding of the entire content of the teaching. Once you have the proper comprehension, then [you can] approach your goals with a proper planning. With this recognition, you can make a decision for a confirmed path and advance from there.”  Master then mentioned the following statements, “It will happen steadily and surely” is one; Pay attention! “Moreover, it will be the easiest” is the 2nd statement; “quickest” the 3rd, “and most comprehensive,” how many [statements] so far? There are four statements. “It will happen steadily and surely. Moreover, it will be the easiest, quickest, and most comprehensive [path]. The same applies to both approaches of chanting Buddha’s name or Zen meditation.” Actually, all these are the highest aspiration that we practitioners long for. “Steadily and surely”, yet we are flustered with uncertainty; Then “the easiest” is what we want most in doing everything, to achieve the best result with the least effort. Surprisingly, upon understanding Buddhism in its entirety, “Why! How come it becomes the easiest task?” Is studying so many scriptures and sutras an easy task? Doesn’t it require great effort to study the scriptures and sutras? [Yes!] It will be the easiest! [With complete understanding of the teaching,] to follow and choose a path [to enlightenment] that corresponds/relates to you, and it would be the easiest, quickest and most comprehensive [path]! [08′01″]

I remember when I was in a Lamrim class, a member in my class studied very diligently, but she felt that she couldn’t understand and was somewhat slower than others in picking up when it comes to learning. So, after having studied in the class for two or three years or [maybe] one year, I can’t remember exactly, one time, she attended a Dharma assembly in a monastery for chanting Buddha’s name. She enjoyed chanting Buddha’s name very much. After the chanting, [she] shared [her learning experience] with others, “Hey! Lamrim mentions how to cultivate one’s faith and confidence in Amitabha Buddha, and what Amitabha Buddha’s merits are, so on and so forth.” [When she began] to talk, people started to gather around her [listening to her sharing], and [the longer she talked] the more people gathered around her. She talked straight for two to three hours, nonstop! By the time [she] was done, she surprised herself while everyone said, “Wow! You have learned really well. How wonderful that you can talk about it so well!” [08′45″]

As a result, that day after [she] came back [from the assembly], she shared this experience with me. Wow! Her spirit was high and her eyes were bright and shining! Never was she so full of self-confidence before in our Lamrim class. From then on, she studied Lamrim even more diligently. So, after studying [Lamrim] for a while, she suddenly realized: Wow! She was able to share [her study, practising, and learning] with other students for three hours nonstop! In the past, this was impossible! She used to be a listener while others talked eloquently, sometimes she couldn’t even understand [what others were talking about] and had to ask: “What’s this? What’s that?” Others would say, “Oh! Hold on! Hold on! Let us finish talking; let’s continue.” In the end, what a significant progress she has made. Currently, she is still studying Lamrim very diligently; it is really excellent! [09′35″]

Keep in mind, how many [statements on benefits we have just mentioned]? “Steadily and surely”, [then] let’s say it together: “the easiest, quickest, and most comprehensive”. All these are what we all highly look forward to. [Among these benefits], “Steadily and surely…the quickest, the most comprehensive, and the easiest”, “the easiest” is actually the most dazzling and appealing one. Nowadays [we are so busy that] we don’t feel comfortable about anything that requires more attention, the simpler the better, because many things are way too troublesome. So, let [me] ask [you all], what can we do to make things become “the easiest”? It [all] starts “From the very beginning, [you should strive] to achieve a complete understanding of the entire content of the teaching”. Pay attention [here]! The description “entire” appears before the word “content”, what does the “entire content of the teaching” refer to?  Master continued saying, “achieve complete understanding”.  We must have a complete understanding of the entire content of teaching, then set [our] goal, [eventually] it would become the easiest task. [10′29″]

Up to this point, would you all be doubtful, “Is it true?” Let me give you a simple example. When I was young, I had this experience, [one day] while both of my parents were not home; my elementary school teacher suddenly came to our town to visit my father. So, what should I do? Because I have often watched [how] my parents cook, so that day I prepared 16 dishes for my teacher! One of them was ice cream topped with cherries. The ice cream was in white color, and the cherry was red, [so I] named it “fire on the snow mountain”! In totaly, I prepared 16 dishes. Actually, I was very young at that time, so how could I come up with 16 dishes? That was because I had watched my parents cook before. Especially during the Chinese New Year, every household always prepares a lot of food, right? [11′18″]

Back then, while I was cooking, my teacher said, “Uh, are you to cook for me? It is probably more appropriate for me to cook for you!” I replied, “Teacher, you came from so far away, and we haven’t seen each other for a few years. How can I possibly let my teacher to cook for me? Teacher, why don’t you stay in the living room, and I will go and prepare some food!” At the end, I had prepared 16 dishes [successfully]. When [those dishes] were being displayed [on the table], my teacher was very very surprised. [11′37″]

Pay attention! I am not here bragging about myself; my point is that if you first don’t observe how [other people] to cook – what type of vegetables will go well together, how much soy sauce to add, when to take [the cooked food] out from the [frying] pan or pot, even how to present [the cooked food] on a plate neatly, without making a mess, etc.; after all, [the food that I had prepared] was to be served to my teacher! I did not break a plate or bowl that day, nor did I spill soy sauce on myself, and I did not accidentally set a fire, either. In a nutshell, I attributed it to [the fact that I had been] watching [my parents] cook daily, and day after day. Thus, when it was my turn, I was able to deliver that. Otherwise, when my teacher showed up, I might have to serve my teacher with only a bowl of instant noodle, and nothing else! [Or, the worst case,] I might not even know how to cook instant noodle, or potentially, when pouring hot water, I could scald myself. [12′16″]

Hence, learn to always look at things/situations from a big and overall persepctive. Thus gradually, when it is your turn to handle it, you won’t be just capable of cooking instant noodle or even clueless as to what to do. [If it were the case, then] my elementary school teacher might need to offer, “Well, are you hungry? How about I cook for you!” It could have become that situation. [12′32″]

Don’t you think that it was easy? If [I] had not [spent time] observing how [others] cook, it would have been impossible [to prepare those 16 dishes]. Besides, it didn’t take me too much time to prepare the meal. I cooked one dish at a time and one after another; it seemed to be done quite quickly. Now I reflect on it, could it be the blessings from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?  [12′48″]


【全广第 2 轮】第 34 讲讨论题纲 (一)/如华法师

  1. 老师在师父开示前说了一段话,这段话提示我们什么?
  2. 师父开示的内容说甚么?
  3. 针对师父讲说的内容,老师撷取哪些扼要,提示哪些观点?

【全广 II 】第 34 讲讨论题纲 (二)/如华法师

  1. 为什么敢发心?老师是透过什么样的观点让我们认识?
  2. 老师刚刚举的为小学老师十六道菜例子是要说明什么?
References 参考资料:​​
  1. [廣海明月] 講次目錄
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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