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【广海明月】第32讲 每天聞思教典,找到當下一步

  那么可能你在帮别人,越帮你自己问题越多,为什么呢?因为原来你不出去看看隔壁家在做什么,后来看隔壁家:哇!老人要养;又隔壁家,小孩要带;后来看到在前面人家,那个宠物狗狗生病了,我还得带牠去医院。你开始帮忙很多很多人,这时候你发现什么?你乱了,你步伐乱了、心乱了,所以你的苦也就多了。你的苦多了是为什么呀?因为你承载了比你自己原来多的重担。但别忘了,这个时候你的心也比原来强大了。一旦你突破了这个关口之后,你就会去承载更多的人;或者你可以站在此处欣赏自己,你发现:哎!我已经超越原来了。因为终究只为自己活着,不是什么愉快的事吧! [01′48″]

  在每一行字、每一行字,师父都在引导着我们的志向——千万不要淹没在个人的喜怒哀愁之中,一把琴只为自己的苦乐而歌唱,应该去看到更多更多的有情。而且当我们完成帮忙别人的时候,注意哦,注意!有时候你突然发现,其实是那个人帮了你,你心里怎么也过不去的那个坎儿、那个纠结,在帮他的过程中,不知道为什么你穿越了。 [00′37″]

  我提一个反的:「哎呀!我没帮人还好,越帮人是非越多,我这生命是过得越来越痛苦啊!」事实是这样的吗?你们在点头吗?我没有看到。是在点头吗?有人点头、有人摇头。 [00′56″]

  那么可能你在帮别人,越帮你自己问题越多,为什么呢?因为原来你不出去看看隔壁家在做什么,后来看隔壁家:哇!老人要养;又隔壁家,小孩要带;后来看到在前面人家,那个宠物狗狗生病了,我还得带牠去医院。你开始帮忙很多很多人,这时候你发现什么?你乱了,你步伐乱了、心乱了,所以你的苦也就多了。你的苦多了是为什么呀?因为你承载了比你自己原来多的重担。但别忘了,这个时候你的心也比原来强大了。一旦你突破了这个关口之后,你就会去承载更多的人;或者你可以站在此处欣赏自己,你发现:哎!我已经超越原来了。因为终究只为自己活着,不是什么愉快的事吧! [01′48″]

  所以就像师父说的,你没有力量承载那么多——注意哦!现在考试开始了,你有没有意识到我在考试啊?「哎呀!帮忙帮这么多,越帮越苦啊!怎么怎么……。」接着说:「我没力呀!崩溃!」「爆掉了!」对吧?什么东西爆掉了?正念爆掉了吗?那你就惨了!我们要把那种虚弱爆炸掉。所以还是那样,没力了,没力了怎么办?想想师父说什么来着?「啊,没关系,一步一步来!」那请问:我们帮很多人觉得痛苦,这时候你的第一步是什么呀?奠定自己的发心。不要认为越帮别人我的生命就越乱,问题不是出在我们帮忙别人,而是出在我不太会在帮忙别人的时候调整自己。 [02′35″]

  那么脚下的第一步是什么?要调整自己,而不是帮忙别人这个方向错了。因为早晚我们都要选择帮忙别人,帮忙别人自己才能够没那么「我爱执」,才能够最终地从一个「我」中彻底地脱壳出来,才得到自在呀!所以最终会选择这样,最终会学习从利他中,我们体会到前所未有的欢乐。 [03′02″]

  所以是帮忙别人错了,还是帮忙别人的时候我不会调解自己?那我就学习调解自己、调整自己就好了,而不要放弃这正确的方向。譬如一个小孩上学他很有压力,他每天很有压力,他说:「那我不要上学了!」还是去调整这个压力,跟老师谈啊、跟父母谈啊,或者怎么样去调解这个压力?因为终归得上学嘛! [03′26″]

  不知道你们现在听了怎么想?每个家里都有点为难的事吧!如果听到此处的话,家里的那个难事在进行着,但是你一个生命里的伟大的目标也在进行着,这就是什么呢?这就是学习《菩提道次第广论》、学习文殊的教法,而且有师父这样这么细密的解释,完完全全要我们一次、再一次地针对内心。 [03′53″]

  其实我曾经跟师父不只一次地问过,我说:「师父,《广论》的讲解方式,师父为什么是采用这样的方式讲?」师父说:「要讲到大家能够体会得到,不然用不上,没感觉,大家会学吗?会想学吗?」那么我们怎样才能从没感觉到有感觉、到产生强烈的希求心?就是真的要拿这样的理路,来调整自己的内心。 [04′24″]

  所以学这一小段的时候,我希望大家收摄为:如果能够对教法进行圆满地认识,我们终究会确定生命的正确目标;确定了正确的目标,我们就走出非常正确的一步。 [04′41″]

  那我们说:现在还没确定,或者现在正在确定的怎么办啊?那就正确地闻思下去。就是每天要来听,要继续地到这个时间,打开、听、开始学习!这样经年累月地学习之后,我们对教法闻思的习气就会养成。然后从一本《广论》下去,我们就会想要翻很多很多教典,比如说你可能去看《华严经》啊、《法华经》啊、《楞严经》啊,很多经典、很多论。尤其是我们现在寺院的法师学五大论,以后大家会听到很多很多论。很多很多的经论里,都再再地会重复这个主题,那个时候我们就会建立一个思惟的习惯性。就像师父说的:现在没力气怎么办啊?没关系嘛!开始走脚下的一步。 [05′30″]

  走脚下的一步就会慢慢变成有力吗?会的!因为我们的腿——我们的思惟,经过强力地训练之后,它会越来越清晰、越来越有力。为什么呢?因为「心无自性,法尔如是」的道理。朝着什么方向去就会有什么,朝着什么样的力度去串习就会出现什么,这就是「如是因结如是果」的道理。如果是苦因,就会结苦果,乐因就会结乐果。那么大家想一想:现在你听闻教典是个苦因,还是乐因呢?如果是乐因的话,那你就该很欢喜呀!那么再想想平常生活的时候,就不要种苦因啊! [06′13″]

  所以在整本的《广论》,在师父字里行间的讲解中,都再再地提醒我们要注视到当下的一步在种什么?就是要看着那个陌生人,那个陌生人是谁呢?就是自己呀!要辨认出自己当下的脚,在朝着什么样的方向。怎么样去确定这个方向呢?每天听《广论》来确定啊!不停地透过教典的闻思,这样来确定当下的一步对不对。 [06′42″]

  所以对我们的心来说,永远都有朝向最完美方向的这样一条路,希望大家好好走下去!无论你现在对你自己满不满意,你都可以找到一个当下的一步,扎实地踏上去,开步走!有困难解决困难,不要动辄谈放弃、谈逃走,因为那不是解决问题的办法,因为业力不是用逃来解决的。比如说恶业要修忏悔的、善净之业要去造作的,各有各的对治法。逃跑能逃到哪里去呢? [07′23″]

  所以非常非常地随喜大家能够一起学《广论》,不管你在哪里,都好好地加油!谢谢! [07′31″]

Master has been guiding our aspiration line by line – that we should never submerge ourselves in our personal emotions of joy, anger, sadness or grief, just like playing a musical instrument only for ourselves. Instead, we should care for more and more sentient beings. Besides, in the process of helping others, pay attention, take note, sometimes you will suddenly realize that it is actually that person helping you.  The hurdle and struggle that you could not overcome in the past have been unknowingly resolved in the process of helping others. [00′37″]

Let me raise an opposite view: “Aiya! It’s better that I don’t help others, the more I help, the more problems I have. My life seems to suffer more and more!” Is this the reality? Are you nodding? I can’t see; is it a nod? Some are nodding, while others are shaking their heads. [00′56″]

Then perhaps when you are helping others, the more you help, the more problems you have. Why? That is because initially you did not observe what your neighbours are doing, until you take a look at your neighbours and notice, Wow! There is elderly to support; the other neighbour, a kid to take care of; and the neighbour in front of you, the pet dog is sick and you have to bring it to the vet. You begin to lend a helping hand to many people, and what did you realise at this point? You are in a mess, your pace is in a mess and your heart is in a mess, thus your suffering increased. Why did your suffering increase? Because you have carried a heavier load than before. However, don’t forget that your mental capacity at this juncture is strengthened as well. Once you make a breakthrough over this hurdle, you will be able to carry the loads for more people. Alternatively, you may take a break here and admire yourself [for what you have accomplished], and you will find out, “Well! I have already outperformed myself.” You come to realize that living for yourself alone is after all not that joyful! [01′48″]

Just like what Master said; you lack the capability to carry a heavy load. Pay attention! Now is time for test; are you all aware that I am giving you a test now?  [Yet, your reaction is,] “Aiya! The more I help others, the more suffering I have, so on and so forth.” And continue saying, “I have no more energy! I’m breaking down!” “Exploding!” Right? What is exploding? Is your right mindset exploding? If it is, then you are doomed! We need to explode that weakness. Again, the same question, no energy, what should we do if we feel low? Think about what Master had taught us. “Ah, it is fine; take it step by step!” May I ask when you feel dispirited while helping others, what is the first step you should take? You should strengthen your aspiration. Please don’t take it as that the more I help people, the more chaotic my life becomes. The issue is not about us helping others, but about [the fact that] I am not good at adjusting myself while helping others. [02′35″]

So, what is the first step to take under such circumstances? [The first step] is to adjust your mindset instead of thinking that helping others is wrong. Because sooner or later we have to choose to help others, through helping others will we then reduce our “self-grasping” attitude, and eventually we free ourselves completely from the bondage of the “self” and become carefree! Hence, eventually this is the decision to make, and eventually, through learning benefiting others,  we can experience the unprecedented joy. [03′02″]

Thus, is it [because] helping others is wrong, or is it because I have not learnt to adjust myself when helping others? Then what I have to do is learn to adjust myself and all will be fine, and not forsaking this correct direction. Take a school child for example. Attending school makes him stressed out; he feels great pressure every day, so he says, “I don’t want to go to school!” Or should he make adjustment to the stress level by talking to teachers, talking to parents, or find ways to handle the stress? After all, the child still has to go to school anyway! [03′26″]

I wonder what you are thinking upon hearing this? Every family has its own challenges, right! If listening to this, your family challenges are happening, but the great aspiration of your life is also happening, then what is this? It is the study of the Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, the learning of Manjusri Bodhisattva’s teaching, and with such detailed elaborations from Master, all completely wanting us to work on our inner-self again and again. [03′53″]

Actually, I have asked Master not only once in the past, I said, “Master, the method of teaching Lamrim, why did Master chose to impart Lamrim with this approach?” Master said, “I must address the contents in a way that everyone can relate to it, otherwise, it is not applicable. If people can’t associate with it, will they learn it? Would they want to learn it?” So how can we go from having no feeling about the teaching to having a feeling for it, and to have a strong aspiration to learn it? That is to take the concept learnt, and apply it accordingly to adjust one’s mind internally. [04′24″]

Therefore, as we are learning this section, I hope you all can summarized the learning as: if we can have a comprehensive understanding of the entire teaching, we will ultimately establish the proper goal of life. Then with the proper goal in mind, we will take a very accurate step. [04′41″]

Then we might say “I am not sure about the goal in my life now, or I am still trying to establish my goal. What should I do?” [If that’s the case,] then continue to listen to the teaching and contemplate. Listen every day, continuously at this time, open it up, listen, and start to learn! Over time, we will develop the habit of studying and contemplating the teaching. Moreover, starting with the Lamrim, we will want to read more and more scriptures. For instance, you may read the Array of Stalks Sutra, the Lotus Sutra and the Surangama Sutra, many other sutras and commentaries. Especially now that our monastics are studying the Five Great Treatises, everyone will get to hear more about the different commentaries in the future. Many of the scriptures have been repeating this same theme by then, we will develop a habit of contemplation. Like what Master said. What should be done when we lack the ability now? It is fine! Just begin by taking the next step in front of us. [05′30″]

Taking this step in front of us, will we eventually become stronger? Yes, we will! It is because like training our legs – our contemplation will get clearer and clearer, more and more powerful through rigorous and thorough training. Why? It is because our mind lacks the inherent nature, and all phenomena are based on the concept of suchness. Whatever directions we are heading to, and apply whatever effort to repeatedly cultivate it, the corresponding effect will arise accordingly. This is the concept that certain cause leads to a comparable effect. If it is a suffering cause, then it will bring us the suffering effect. Likewise, a happy cause will lead to a happy effect. Thus, everyone give it some thought, is your listening to the scripture teaching now a suffering cause or a happy cause? If it is a cause of happiness, you should be very pleased! Moreover, reflecting on it, we should refrain from planting any suffering cause in our daily routine! [06′13″]

Throughout the entire Lamrim teaching, between the lines of Master’s commentaries, we are constantly reminded to pay attention to the step we are taking at the present moment. That is, to look at that stranger, and who is that stranger? It is me! We have to recognize the direction of our step at this very present moment. How to make certain it is the right direction? It is by listening to the Lamrim teaching every day! Through our continuous listening and contemplating the teaching, we can ensure that the present step we are taking is the right one. [06′42″]

So as far as our minds are concerned, there is always a path available leading to the most perfect direction. I hope everyone will keep advancing on it! Whether you are content with yourself or not, you all can find the step to take at any given moment, advance with firm steps and confidence. Step forward! If problems arise, solve them; don’t easily give up or run away because that’s not the way to solve problems. Also, the karmic force can’t be resolved by avoiding it. Instead, non-virtuous karmic deeds should be countered by confession, and virtuous karmic deeds should be engaged; each has its respective remedies. As for taking flight, where can we escape? [07′23″]

So I am very very pleased that we all are able to study Lamrim together. No matter where you are, please do strive earnestly! Thank you!  [07′31″]


【全广第 2 轮】第 32 讲讨论题纲 (一)/性贤法师

  1. 师父引导我们的志向是什么?
  2. 为什么帮那个人你心里的纠结就穿越了?
  3. “哎呀!我没帮人还好,越帮人是非越多,我这生命是过得越来越痛苦啊!”请问是这样吗?
  4. 当我们越帮助别人越苦时,我的下一步是什么?
  5. 为什么我们的下一步是调整自己,而不是帮忙别人的这个方向错了

【全广第 2 轮】第 32 讲讨论题纲 (二)/性贤法师

  1. 师父用什么方式讲广论?为什么要这样讲?
  2. 老师收摄的点为何,为什么要收摄到这个点上?
  3. 目标还没确定或正在确定目标怎么办?老师说正确地闻思下去,正确地闻思下去就可以走出正确一步吗?
  4. 走脚下一步就会慢慢变得有力吗?为什么?
  5. 每天听广论为什么可以确定方向?
  6. 为什么逃跑解决不了问题?

【全广题纲】广海明月第 32 讲 复习题纲(一)/性传法师

  1. 今天这一讲,老师是顺著师父讲解什么主题而来?
  2. 师父在引导我们什么样的志向?这样的志向会给我们带来什么好处?
  3. 老师的考试:立志的过程会遭遇到怎么样的关口?这关口的主要问题是什么?怎么解决?
  4. 师父讲解《广论》的方式为何?师父为什么是采用这样的方式讲?
  5. 老师希望我们学这一小段应该收摄为何?目前走脚下的这一步是什么?现在还没确定或者现在正在确定的,老师鼓励我们该怎么办?为什么这样做会慢慢变成有力?

【全广题纲】广海明月第 32 讲 复习题纲(二)/卢克宙学长

  1. 先略摄第 27~32 讲。
  2. 设定目标后,去执行时如果遇到困难,能力不足,师父说“没有关系,一步一步来”。但是我平常的习性:
    (1) 会是怎么做的?退怯吗?
    (2) 如果习性已经如此,在学佛上就会特别的做出正确的抉择吗?
    (3) 那么,我平常如果遇到困难就𣎴得不退怯,会是什么原因导致的?
    (4) 我要如何让上项的原因,不会发生在我的学佛道上?
References 参考资料:​​
  1. [廣海明月] 講次目錄
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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