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【广海明月】第25讲 听师父录音带,体会佛菩萨的陪伴

  我们也在班上做过这样的一个调查,就是同一段看你听多少遍才会不走神。结果有一个同学听七遍到那里都走神,非常非常奇怪,一到那个地方他思想就飘忽了。他觉得很惊讶,为什么这一段他反复地都听不到,就是到那一段,好像什么东西障蔽住了一样,后来就自己起名说「业障」。但是说业障就能听到了吗?所以在这个部分,大家听闻的时候还是要听仔细,因为我们很多人的习惯,就是听别人说话的时候,其实也是听不仔细,通常就听个大概,然后匆匆忙忙听完了,就觉得领会别人的意思了。如果这样学教典的话可能会满吃亏的,所以大家要认真地听闻。 [02′25″]


  在研讨《广论》的时候,我常常都比较强调:希望大家能够仔细地听师父的录音带。因为在师父的讲说中、在师父的语气里,还有他投入的情感,我们可以听到师父比如说他特别赞同什么、他特别担心什么,还有特别期待我们怎么做……,好像师父陪在我们身边。听久了之后,就不会产生那种疏离感。尤其是我们这些年轻一辈的,一开始有人会觉得听师父的口音听不懂,这是源于什么呢?就是不太熟悉。其实师父的发音是满清楚的,一旦熟悉了师父的语气、他的表达方式之后,我们就会觉得讲得是满清晰的。 [00′59″]

  在听带子的时候,其实可以训练我们一种专注的能力。因为我曾经问过一些广论同学说:「你听师父带子的时候会不会走神呀?」问了很多人,都说:「会走神。」「那走神多久会发现呢?」常常说:「走了一大半才发现。」然后我说:「那你发现这一段听了走神之后,你会不会补听呢?」有一些同学就听过去了,有一些会补听,但是回头补听的时候又走神了! [01′31″]

  我们也在班上做过这样的一个调查,就是同一段看你听多少遍才会不走神。结果有一个同学听七遍到那里都走神,非常非常奇怪,一到那个地方他思想就飘忽了。他觉得很惊讶,为什么这一段他反复地都听不到,就是到那一段,好像什么东西障蔽住了一样,后来就自己起名说「业障」。但是说业障就能听到了吗?所以在这个部分,大家听闻的时候还是要听仔细,因为我们很多人的习惯,就是听别人说话的时候,其实也是听不仔细,通常就听个大概,然后匆匆忙忙听完了,就觉得领会别人的意思了。如果这样学教典的话可能会满吃亏的,所以大家要认真地听闻。 [02′25″]

  所谓的认真,也不一定很吃力,只要把心专注在上面,养成习惯,慢慢地训练自己,到后来只要师父的法音一响起来,我们就会全神贯注地听。而且如果你累的时候,你真的可以缓解疲劳;如果你忧伤的时候,当你把心缘在师父的带子上,你很快就忘记了你的忧伤,甚至有人病得躺在床上起不来的时候,我还建议他听师父的带子提心力,这样他会有勇气撑住在病床上的时光。还有失眠根本没法睡的,他来找我说:「老师,怎么办呀?」我说:「那医生都说怎么办啦?」他说:「医生也都想办法了,还是睡不着。」我说:「如果你也不愿意吃安眠药,觉得吃太久了也不行,那试试听师父的带子。」结果他就开始听师父带子,听了一段时间,听着听着就睡着了,后来师父的带子就变成他的催眠曲了!然后他就过来跟我说:「这样会不会很有罪过?一听就睡着了。」我说:「师父讲的法就是为了安慰我们心中的各种痛苦。如果你有失眠的痛苦,那么一听师父的法就睡着了,你睡了一段时间,好了之后,你大概就不会睡了,所以就把它当做药吧!」果然一段时间之后他好了,他听师父的法就不会睡着。 [03′49″]

  很多人听师父的带子或者学《广论》,感觉生命中有一颗伟大的心在陪伴。我们生命中有很多问题需要讨论。有很多人很孤独,没办法讨论内心深处的问题,也不知道该怎么讨论;有的时候跟别人讨论之后,还反而陷入更深的矛盾之中,所以也提不起来、也放不下,也不知道该怎么办。这个时候很多事就不妨不了了之,就来听带子。听着、听着、听着,可能是师父非常轻描淡写的一句话,他就热泪盈眶或者痛哭流涕,突然触及他内心深处最深的一个痛,别人也不晓得是怎么回事,总之就是他被触动了。 [04′33″]

  每个人都有可能在《广论》中找到自己被触动的点,或者自己心灵深处的伤被愈合或者被抚慰的那个点,其实那就是佛菩萨的慈悲吧!当接触到这个伟大和慈悲的心的时候,我们的身心就会被那如慈母般的佛菩萨的慈悲所抚慰。我们在生命的过程中所受的所有创痛能够早一点好起来,然后我们依然能够健步前行,依旧可以给自他创造一个幸福的感觉、幸福的气氛,甚至是为自他生命的提升带来很大很大的饶益。所以大家要打起精神来听带子,然后听带子的时候绝对要努力——不要昏沉、不要散乱! [05′26″]

  虽然说这几个字轻松地讲出来:「不要昏沉、不要散乱。」大家都知道一听带就昏沉的人,真的是一打开带子就昏沉,然后什么时候听完了,他就醒过来了。但是我们这么一小段、一小段听,应该你想睡的话,也睡不了多久就会被叫醒;散乱的话,也会被迅速地叫回来。所以慢慢地养成自己要知道自己的心在散乱、昏沉,「欸!我在昏沉!」要能觉察到,觉察到之后立刻就拉回来,立刻就把心力提起来。这样的话,提升我们听闻水准,我们就能够更清晰地了解师父的心意。所以听闻要听得准确,然后要反复地听、重复地听是满重要的!尤其是在这么忙碌和浮躁的这种状态之中,如果真能够静下心来,好像整个宇宙中只有师父的声音,师父就坐在自己的面前——「如在目前、如对圣颜」,好像就为你讲《广论》一样。那样的时光也是满美妙的。 [06′38″]

  我们生命的正在进行式,说「人生不如意事十有八九」,这是我们常常都会讲的一句话。所谓的不如意,就会给我们的心中带来很多失落呀、悲观呀,还有焦灼、无可奈何、徬徨等等诸多的这些痛苦。实际上每一天、每一天,如果我们已经脱离孩童时代了,我们就将面对成长后的很多烦恼,这些烦恼有的也解决不了,就是一直在进行。那么如果在这个心续之中隔出一个小小的空间,在这个空间里,就好像我们走进师父在凤山寺的办公室,跟师父请益一样。那个时光就是,我们突然从一个喧嚣的尘世中走进了寺院,然后走到了一个非常非常亲切、非常非常热情、目光很深邃的这样一位老和尚的面前,坐在他的面前听他说法。 [07′56″]

  这样,对我们的生命是不是一种充电、补给,还有灵魂深处的一种给予?因为你会发现师父他对我们最大的所求,应该就是希望我们幸福、希望我们快乐。他字里行间满满的心意,都希望我们能够刹那刹那都摆脱痛苦,达到一种无忧的生命境界。所以如果能够常常感受到这样一颗心,在这个宇宙间他满满的慈悲在关照着我们,一直在试图跟我们的心灵对话,一直在讲给我们听,一直在讲。这样的话,是不是可以你自己遇到问题的时候没有那么孤单和无助?因为至少会想起来:哎!我还有师父的法可以听。在听他的法音的时候,不管有多少难缠的心事,在那一刻都仿佛寂寥无声,只有他的法音和我满满的信心,人生的很多问题看起来也没那么艰难了。 [09′13″]

  为什么?因为「法」会提醒我们正念、正知、正行、正能量,会让我们从情绪的阴霾中走到阳光下,听一听佛菩萨他对事情的看法,他对这个事情的思路是什么,我们就随时会调整我们看一件事情的角度,甚至每天都在调整。如果你忆念师父的法,每时每刻都可以调整自己的心,就像一个座标一样,可以帮助我们一直调整,因为我们会常常偏离,就要调整。调整到什么方向呢?就是正确地离苦、正确地得乐,早一点把自己从非常负面的、很糟的一种心境中解救出来。其实没有什么比法更快的,或者说更实用的,而且也不需要费什么代价,就只要心缘在上面就可以了! [10′14″]

【Preparation before listening】

During Lamrim discussions, I would often stress that everyone should listen attentively to Master’s recordings. From listening to Master’s manner of speaking and the emotions evident in his speech, we can sense, for instance, what he specifically endorsed, what his concerns were, and what he explicitly expected us to do. It is as if Master, the excellent teacher, is with us all the time. After listening [to the recordings] for a duration of time, the feeling of unfamiliarity with Master will not arise. Particularly, for younger generations like ourselves, some might feel initially that they could not understand Master’s accent. What is the reason? This is due to unfamiliarity with his accent. Master’s pronunciation is actually quite clear. Once we get accustomed to Master’s tone and manner of expression, we will be able to understand what he said with clarity. [00′59″]

Listening to Master’s recordings can actually train our ability to stay focused. In the past, I did ask a few Lamrim class students, “Do your mind wander off while you are listening to Master’s recordings?” I asked many and all replied, “Yes, it happens.” “How long does it take you to find out that your mind has wandered off?” They often replied with, “It takes quite a while.” Then I asked, “Once you realize that your mind has wandered off, would you make time to listen to the recordings again?” Some students said that they would just move on, while others said that they would try and listen to the recordings again. However, they would find their minds wandering off again, even with the follow-up round of listening! [01′31″]

We also did a similar survey in class before, to ascertain how often one has to listen to the recordings, before one’s mind would stop to wander off. One of the findings disclosed that, though this student had listened to the same recording seven times, he discovered that his mind would always wander off at the same section of the recording. He found it very puzzling. As soon as the same section started to play, his mind would start to wander off. He was very surprised to discover that, no matter how many times he repeated it, he just could not hear that particular section. It was as if there was something obstructing it. Later, he called it a “karmic obstacle”. But, by referring to it as a “karmic obstacle”, does it mean one would be able to hear that particular section? Hence, at this juncture, everyone should listen attentively, whilst listening to the teachings. Many of us have the habit of listening to others absent-mindedly and then assume we fully understand what others have said. If we learn the teachings with the same attitude, we would end up getting the shorter end of the stick. Thus, everyone should listen with an earnest attitude. [02′25″]

Being earnest need not necessarily be strenuous. We just need to cultivate it as a habitual practice to stay focused. Train ourselves gradually until such time that, upon hearing Master’s voice, we would instantly become very focused. Besides, when you are tired, you can slowly let go of your tiredness [by listening to Master’s recordings]. When you feel sad, by focusing on Master’s recordings wholeheartedly, you will quickly forget your sorrow. The same goes for a person who is very ill and bedridden. I will still suggest that he uplifts himself mentally by listening to Master’s recordings, so as to give him the courage to face his bedridden state. Another student who suffered from insomnia, came to me and said, “Teacher, what should I do?” I said, “What did the doctor suggest?” He replied, “Doctor has tried his utmost, but I still couldn’t fall asleep.” I said, “If you would rather not take sleeping pills, and as this is not a long-term solution either, try to listen to Master’s recordings.” Thus, he began listening to Master’s tapes. After listening for a period of time, he fell asleep whilst listening. Consequently, Master’s recordings became his lullaby! Subsequently, he came to tell me, “Isn’t this very blameworthy to fall asleep while listening to Master’s teachings?” I said, “Master’s teachings soothe our various mental sufferings. You have insomnia problem, and upon listening to Master’s teachings, you could fall asleep. Once your insomnia problem is cured, you probably will not fall asleep while listening [to Master’s teachings]. Thus, for the time being, take it as a medicine to treat your insomnia!” After a period of time, he recovered. He no longer falls asleep while listening to Master’s teachings. [03′49″]

Many people who listen to Master’s recordings or study Lamrim, feel that they are accompanied by a great heart in their lives. In our lives, there are tons of issues that need to be addressed. There are many very lonely people out there, but yet, they cannot do anything about their innermost issues, nor do they know how to discuss them. Sometimes, discussing with others may instead cause one to fall into deeper confusion, and be caught in a dilemma. At this juncture, there is no harm leaving things unsettled, and listen to Master’s recordings instead. As you continue to listen and listen, it may perhaps be a simple phrase from Master, that may cause one’s eyes to either brim with tears or weep bitter tears. All of a sudden, it touches the deepest wound in one’s heart, which others may be clueless about. In brief, one’s heart is touched. [04′33″]

It is possible for every person to find something that touches one’s heart in Lamrim. It can either be that the deepest wound in one’s heart is healed or soothed. This actually comes from the compassion of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! When we are in contact with this great and compassionate heart, our mental stream is soothed by the motherly compassion of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. As such, all the painful wounds we encountered throughout our lives can be healed speedily. We can then invigorate ourselves and continue to stride ahead. Besides creating a blissful feeling and a blessed atmosphere for self and others, we can also bring tremendous benefits to uplift the lives of self and others. Thus, everyone should take up courage and listen to Master’s recordings. Whilst listening, one should be absolutely diligent and not fall into lethargy nor distraction. [05′26″]

Though these words are easily said, “don’t be lethargic, and don’t be distracted”, everyone knows that there are those who will become lethargic upon listening to the recordings, but wake up after it ends. However, since we listen in small parts at a time, those who have the tendency to fall asleep, will wake up shortly. Those who are easily distracted, will be quickly reminded to stay focused. Thus, one should gradually cultivate mindfulness and be clearly aware that one’s mind is in the midst of getting distracted or lethargic. “Eh! I am getting lethargic!” One should detect it quickly and promptly make concerted efforts to stay focused. By doing so, our listening capability will improve, and we will be able to understand Master’s kind intentions more distinctly. [06′06″]

In order to sharpen our listening capability, we need to listen over and over again, as repeated listening is very crucial! Particularly, as we are living under such hustle and bustle conditions, if we can truly calm our minds [and listen attentively to the teachings], it would seem that there is only Master’s voice in the entire universe, and he is sitting right in front of us – “it seems like facing a sage at that moment”, as if he was expounding Lamrim to us. Such a moment is also very wonderful. [06′38″]

Our lives are moving along as we speak. There is a popular and familiar phrase: “Life is full of ups and downs”. The so-called “downs” will bring us much losses, pessimism, anxiety, helplessness and many of such sufferings. As a matter of fact, day by day, if we have already outgrown our adolescence, means we are about to face many problems in adulthood. However, some of these cannot be resolved and are still ongoing. Thus, if we can spare a little space in our mindstream, it would be as if we are walking into Master’s office in Feng Shan Monastery to seek his guidance. That moment would be akin to walking away from our noisy chatter world into the Monastery, moving towards a very compassionate, warm and profound gaze of an Elder Monk in front of us, and listening to his teachings. [07′56″]

If this is the case, would it not be a kind of spiritual rejuvenation and replenishment that we need in our lives? You will discover that the greatest expectation Master had for us, is for us to be blessed and happy. His connotations are full of kind intentions, so that we could, moment by moment, remove sufferings and achieve a kind of carefree state in our lives. Thus, if we could always have this feeling in mind, that in this universe, he is wholeheartedly nourishing us with his compassion, and attempting to have a spiritual dialogue with us. He is continuously giving us the teachings. As such, will it not make us feel that we aren’t helpless and lonely when encountering problems in our lives? At least, we will remember that: Yes! I still have Master’s teachings to listen to. No matter how troubled we may feel, upon listening to his teachings, it seems that all is silent and there exists only his teachings and my deep faith. In this way, it would seem that all the troubles we face in life do not appear to be so challenging anymore. [09′13″]

Why is that so? For the reason that the “Dharma” will remind us to uphold our mindfulness, vigilance, upright behavior, and positivity. The Dharma will enable us to walk away from our negative emotions towards brightness of the sun. We listen to what the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ views are, and what their thoughts are towards this matter. In this way, we will be able to constantly adjust our perception towards a given matter on a daily basis. If you are mindful of Master’s teachings, at any moment, you will be able to adjust your thoughts accordingly, as akin to geometry, helping us to make constant adjustments. As our thoughts deviate easily, adjustments are required. However, to what extent should we adjust ourselves? That is, till we are able to remove sufferings and attain happiness in the correct way. Free oneself from a very negative and detrimental mindset as quickly as possible. In fact, there is no other remedy that can work faster than applying the Dharma, or should we say, it is more practical and at no costs. All one needs to do is to focus on it! [10′14″]


References 参考资料:​​
  1. [廣海明月] 講次目錄
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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