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【广海明月】第1讲 提起欢喜心深入道次第

【广海明月】第1讲 提起欢喜心深入道次第

  然后下面「无上甚深微妙法」,刚开始学的时候,因为师父的讲说,所以我们会觉得《菩提道次第》还是满亲切的,但是它确实是无上、甚深、又微妙的法,又多么地难遇呢?「百千万劫难遭遇」,这个遇到难遇妙法的时光,和我们难得人身的这样的一个时间,学过第一轮《广论》的同学都知道「盲龟遇浮木」这个譬喻,实际上得到人身是很难的、遇到教法是很难的。得到了人身、遇到了教法,又能生起信心还是非常难的。有了信心,又能够在闻法上——我「今」,现在,「见闻」,然后能够在心里边「受持」。所以我们所有的人一起来发心,非常非常地希愿能够得到佛陀真实的意趣。 [05′44″]

  大家好!非常开心,第一轮的全广在所有同学的努力下结束了。我想参加第二轮的全广,所以自己对研讨有一个深深的期待就是:希望不管我们身在何处,到了研讨的时刻,我们此刻就都在专心致志地学习《广论》。这样的时刻,希望成为我们生命中最最美好的回忆,也是我们隔着千万里能够相聚的一个难得的时光,所以我是很开心、很开心的! [00′51″]

  我想像著,大家在不同的国家,你们是坐在沙发上吗?坐在椅子上吗?你们还是在哪里呢?你们是聚上一小组、一小组的,当然还有的研讨班是隔着国家,他们是每个国家一两个、一两个人这样的一个研讨班,都非常非常地不容易。无论如何,我们将开始第二轮了,所以我是非常非常开心地参与这个学习,希望我们能够共同进步。 [01′22″]




  今天我们开始修习《菩提道次第广论》,这是宗喀巴大师所造的。那么平常我们前面先要提一个重点,通常我们称为“玄义”,也就是把我们所要学的这个内容,它主要的纲领、特质,简单地、扼要地把这个重点说明。不过,对我们现在在座的大部分同修来说,是初机,刚刚进入佛门,所以用平常正规的这种状态来说的话,大家不一定能够体会到、领会到它的深入的正确的意义。结果呢,花了很多的时间而得到很小的受益,这个其次。进一步,因为他不了解,刚开始听了这个不懂的东西,没有兴趣,把他的这个热忱会减少,这是一种损失。 [04′06″]

  听这一小段,大家听到师父带我们念“南无本师释迦牟尼佛”的时候,学过《三十五佛忏》的同学都知道,一声南无释迦牟尼佛能消万劫的罪障。那么刚才是我们随着师父念了三句“南无本师释迦牟尼佛”,所以这一刻的时光对你我来说非常地珍贵,因为我们专心地持诵,可以消万劫的业障。 [04′41″]

  然后下面“无上甚深微妙法”,刚开始学的时候,因为师父的讲说,所以我们会觉得《菩提道次第》还是满亲切的,但是它确实是无上、甚深、又微妙的法,又多么地难遇呢?“百千万劫难遭遇”,这个遇到难遇妙法的时光,和我们难得人身的这样的一个时间,学过第一轮《广论》的同学都知道“盲龟遇浮木”这个譬喻,实际上得到人身是很难的、遇到教法是很难的。得到了人身、遇到了教法,又能生起信心还是非常难的。有了信心,又能够在闻法上——我“今”,现在,“见闻”,然后能够在心里边“受持”。所以我们所有的人一起来发心,非常非常地希愿能够得到佛陀真实的意趣。 [05′44″]

  师父在这里边说:《菩提道次第广论》是宗喀巴大师造的。然后下面说:如果用一个纲领式、特质式、扼要式地把重点说明——说“玄义”,其实一般的初机还不太理解。刚进佛门,用这种方式大家不一定能够体会到。讲到这一点的时候,师父加大了一个用语,说:“不一定能够体会到、领会到它深入的正确的意义。”注意哦!深入的正确的意义,这句话其实对我们的人生有着很大的醒觉作用吧!比如说,我们做哪一件事是对我们的生命有着极其深远、深入,而又极其正确的意义呢?那么闻法算不算一个呢? [06′40″]

  然后师父非常非常担心,我们花了很多时间,却得到很小的受益,因为我们没有体会到,因为我们是初机。谈到这一点,可能一些同学说:“我们不是初机了,我们学了一轮了。”可能还有的同学说学了好几轮了。那学了好几轮之后,你的心有没有随着一轮又一轮,变得越来越轻巧呢?当我们在这个人世间,遇到种种境界的磨折的时候,自己有没有越会飞翔?在面对很多困境的时候,会不会保持正念、保持阳光的这样一个心态? [07′29″]

  如果学了好几轮之后,发现自己有的时候还是心意沉沉,那么这一轮的学习就很期待我们能再度地注入正法的强大力量,因为我们在一起学。当你觉得感觉麻木,或者注意力不集中,或者你没有心力,我一直会在这边提醒你、提醒你,我们一起来学。所以不要花了很多时间,却得到很少的受益。师父很担心我们这样子,所以师父要采用一个下面的讲法,他会在下一段讲。 [08′10″]

  师父说“这是其次”,进一步师父又帮我们想了。师父说:如果花了很多时间,得到了很小的受益,又没有体会到、领会到它深入的正确的意义的话,刚开始听了不懂的东西,没有兴趣,把他的这个热忱就会减少。听了一个不懂的东西就没有热忱,没有热忱的话,师父后面一句话,注意哦!后面那句话,记得!说:“这是一种损失!”是一种什么损失啊?就是我们开始听佛法的时候没有听懂,没有听懂的时候产生不了热忱,有一类人会这样。但是我也看到还有一类人,他听不懂他更想听。当然也有一类人,费了好大力气听不懂,他就放弃了。 [08′58″]

  大家看一看,师父想把这么美妙的一本无上甚深微妙的法给我们讲的时候,他抱持着一个非常非常小心的心,小心地呵护着我们。那些由于慧力不够啊,由于经验不足等等产生的不理解,甚至对正法没有热忱,师父非常担心我们错过这个跟《菩提道次第广论》,或者说跟教法相遇的时光。所以可以想见,他在给我们讲这本论的时候,曾经经历了多少?多少次站在我们的角度上去考虑,我们学这本论的难点是什么?那么他在讲的时候,尽量避开我们容易产生困难的那些方式。也可以说,把每一个弟子看得像他的掌上明珠一般,因为进了《广论》课堂之后,最好能够了解、深入地了解它正确的意义。 [09′59″]

  所以读到这一小段的时候我是很感动的,因为师父非常担心我们由于听了不懂、没有热忱、没有兴趣,对正法的这个热忱的兴趣减少之后,我们错失了生命最殊胜的一段因缘。师父说:“这是一种损失!”很显然他绝对不希望这种损失发生,如果发生了,他不希望继续。所以一开头,师父的悲心就跃然纸上,清晰地传到你我的耳中。要知道师父为了把这部《广论》讲到你我的心中,他曾经用了多大的心血,用了多少在经验上的摸索,他珍惜地爱护着每一个能够听到《广论》的同学,特别担心大家没有兴趣。 [10′56″]

  那么重点出现了!这一轮的学习,就希望我们能够提起很强的一个欢喜心。当然说,欢喜心这件事如果没有、硬提的话,这好像有点困难。关键是我希望你是不由自主地深入其中,因为这正是《菩提道次第》的魅力所在,也是师父的善巧和悲心,几乎洋溢在《广论》的每一个字里行间。 [11′28″]

  所以,提起欢喜心有那么难吗?诸位想一想。不管你学几轮了,希望对于这一轮的研讨《广论》,还是抱着强烈的期待、保持着初心。就像刚上学的小朋友那样,想要重新再学一遍——这里边还有多少多少内涵,是我当初完全忽略的?甚至我自己的听闻前行也麻木了,甚至对师父的感恩心也慢慢地变淡……如果有上述习惯的话,大家听了之后,就好自向心内观察。我也是,我要向心内观察。 [12′04″]

  总之,期待这一轮的《广论》学习,我们要把对正法深沉的热忱和欢喜心,供养给师父、供养给释迦牟尼佛,还有千千万万为了救度我们努力把自己修成菩萨再成佛的所有善知识。总之很期待跟大家一起随着师父的讲说,在智慧和悲心的虚空中尽情遨游! [12′32″]

  好!今天就先讲到这儿,谢谢大家,谢谢! [12′37″]

Vol. 1 of Master’s discourse P3 L1 – P4 L2

Greetings to all students! It is really happy to see that the first round of Global Lamrim Discourse came to an end amidst the efforts and devotions from all students. Due to my wish to hold and attend the second round of Global Lamrim Discourse, therefore I have a strong aspiration to the Lamrim discussion: Regardless of where we are, or where have we been, upon reaching the instance for Lamrim discussion, all of us can focus attentively at this moment to study the “Lamrim Chenmo” earnestly. I hope that moments as such would become the most memorable recollection in our lives. Meanwhile, these are also the precious moments in which we can meet together despite our physical distance. Indeed, I am truly delighted! [00′51″]

As I imagine it, we are now in different countries, are you sitting on the sofas? On the chairs? Or elsewhere? You could have been in various small groups, whereas some Lamrim discussion classes are conducted across country due to the scale (one or two person per country), and all these classes are not easy to maintain. Nonetheless, our second round of Global Lamrim Discourse would be starting from now, thus I am very delighted to be able to join this round of learning, and I wish that we could improve ourselves and progress together. [01′22″]

To begin, let us listen to a short section of Master Jih-Chang’s discourse:

[Namo Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha]

I take refuge in my Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha

I take refuge in my Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha

I take refuge in my Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha

[Sutra Reading Anthem]

This is the most supreme, profound and wonderful Teaching

One can hardly catch a glance of it in a trillion kalpas

Now, I have learned and I will adhere to them.

I pledge to understand the truth discoursed by the Tathagata

Today we begin the study of The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment which was composed by Lama Tsong-Kha-Pa. Before beginning a commentary, we usually address an important concept, often referred to as “embedded meaning” (⽞義). This is done to succinctly and concisely outline the essential points and attributes of the entire content to be studied. However, this is for the beginner (初機), which is the majority of us sitting here now, newly entering the domain of Buddhism. Thus, in this circumstance, not all of us will be able to grasp and understand the intended in-depth meaning. Consequently, we can devote a lot of time to study but gain few benefits. Furthermore, due to lack of understanding, [the student’s] interest diminishes and enthusiasm subsides which leads to a loss [in spiritual advancement]. [04′06″]

Listening to this short discourse, when we heard Master leading us to recite “I take refuge in my Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha”, those who have learned “Confession to the 35 Buddhas Practice” before would have known that, a recitation of the Buddhas’ name will clear away ten thousand eons of obscuration. Since we have just followed the Master to recite “I take refuge in my Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha” thrice, the present moment becomes exceptionally precious to you and me: Due to our single-hearted devotion in reciting, our eons of karmic obscuration are purified. [04′41″]

For the following verse, “This is the most supreme, profound and wonderful Teaching”, in the early stage of Lamrim studies, because it is lectured by the Master, we will find the “Lamrim Chenmo” to be quite amiable. Nevertheless, this teaching is indeed supreme, profound, and wonderful. And how hard it is to come by? “One can hardly catch a glance of it in a trillion kalpas”. The chance to meet such excellent teaching, and the probability to obtain our human life, are both extremely rare. Those of us who have studied one round of Lamrim would know the rhetorical meaning of “blind turtle that comes across a floating yoke”. In fact, it is very hard to obtain our human life, and even harder to encounter the Buddha’s teachings. Even after obtaining human life and meeting the Dharma, it is much more difficult to have faith in the Dharma. Even with faith, it is still critical that, while seeing and hearing the Dharma – I “now”, “learned”, and sincerely “adhere” by heart. Therefore, all of us should jointly nurture the spirit: We fervently wish to attain the essence of the truth of the Buddha.[05′44″]

Firstly, Master mentioned that “Lamrim Chenmo” was written by Master Tsong-Kha-Pa. Then, Master said that, if he used a well-structured, characteristic, and concise approach to outline the critical key points of “Lamrim Chenmo”, viz. its “embedded meaning”, actually those who are in the beginning stage of learning will not understand thoroughly, whereas those who are new into Buddhism may not be able comprehend the in-depth meaning within. At this point, Master emphasized a sentence – “not all of us will be able to grasp and understand the intended in-depth meaning”. Kind attention! The phrase, “the intended in-depth meaning”, in reality, brings a significant aspect to our awakening in lives! For instance, which affairs are bringing very deep, profound, and yet precise meaning to our lives? Is listening to the Dharma considered one? [06′40″]

Then, Master became really, really worried, as we have spent a lot of time but only gotten a little benefit in return. This is because of our inability to feel it by heart, and because we are still in the beginning stage of learning. Upon reaching this point, some students might probably retort, “We are not newbies as we’ve already learned one round of Lamrim.” Perhaps other students would say that they have already learned a few rounds of Lamrim. So, after studying a few rounds, did your heart become more and more dexterous as each round completes? When we are confronted with hardships and sufferings of various scenarios in our lives, am I better and better in soaring (progress)? When facing the multitude of predicaments, can I keep to my right views, and still maintain a bright attitude and mentality? [07′29″]

After studying a few rounds of Lamrim, and if you realised that you still feel low in spirit, then utilise this round to empower yourself with the significant Dharma source of positive energy. It is because we will be learning together, when you feel numb, unable to focus, or lost, I will be right here with you to remind you. Master Jih-Chang got very concerned when we spent a lot of time dedicated in learning, yet obtaining only very little benefits. Therefore, he talked about the below: [08′10″]

Master said, “Consequently, we can devote a lot of time to study but gain few benefits.” Master had gone a step further to think for us, “Furthermore, due to lack of understanding, [the student’s] interest diminishes and enthusiasm subsides…” You just started to listen to something which you don’t understand, there is no enthusiasm, Master emphasised the second sentence, “This is a loss!” What is a loss? That is, when we started listening to Dharma, we didn’t understand it. When we didn’t understand it, we couldn’t produce enthusiasm. There was a class of people who would be as such. But I also saw that there is still a class of people who can’t understand him yet want to hear and learn more. Of course, there is also a class of people who have spent a lot of effort to understand and gave up eventually. [08′58″]

Take a closer look, Master wanted to share with us such a supreme, profound, wonderful, and excellent teachings. He held this very close to his heart, genuinely and carefully cared for us. Those whose wisdom have yet to be cultivated at a deeper level, lack of understanding due to lack of experience, and even have no enthusiasm for Dharma, Master was very worried that we missed this opportunity with the Lamrim Chenmo, or the teachings. So we can imagine how much effort he had made to explain the Lamrim, looking from our perspectives, the difficulties, and using methods that could help us avoid learning difficulties. Every student is equally precious, when we get the chance to rub our shoulders with Dharma, it is best to understand and get the right essence from it. [09′59″]

I was very touched when I read this short paragraph, because Master was afraid that we have missed the most auspicious part of life if we lost our enthusiasm for Dharma – particularly if we have not understood it comprehensively, or no enthusiasm, or lack of interest. Master said, “This is a loss!” Obviously he wanted to avoid such loss from happening. If it happened, he did not want to continue. Therefore, through Master’s compassion and benevolent heart, he had used all his best efforts, spending years to find ways to educate us with the Dharma from the start. He cherished and cared for every student who gets to hear the Lamrim, particularly concerned if we have no interest. [10′56″]

Here comes the main point! I hope we can understudy this round with great joy. It may sound difficult, but the key here is learning Lamrim has its own beauty. It gets you unknowingly attracted to it while benefitting from learning, as well as feeling Master’s skilful means, kindness and compassion to us, overflowing in every word and sentence of the Lamrim. [11′28″]

Is it really difficult to feel the joy? Think about it. Regardless the number of rounds we have studied the Lamrim, continue to carry on with a yearning mindset like a new learner. Just like how the children whom just entered into schooling, re-learn all over again – there could be content which you have missed it before. Or maybe you are at the state where you were numb about the learnings, or the gratitude towards Master is getting weaker…. if there is such situation, especially for more senior students, maybe take this opportunity to self-reflect your inner voice. I will do the same self-reflection too. [12′04″]

To conclude, I look forward to this round of Lamrim study with all of you. May we gain the deep euthusiasm and joy for Dharma, to venerate and offer to Master and Shakyamuni Buddha, and all the thousands of excellent teachers who diligently cultivated as bodhisattvas and ultimately attaining Buddhahood. I very much look forward to spend more time discussing Master’s discourse with every one of you together, basking in the wonderful space of wisdom and compassion! [12′32″]

Till then! Thank you, everyone! Thank you![12′37″]


References 参考资料:​​
  1. 廣海明月 – 大慈恩譯經基金會
  2. BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺 — GLOBAL LAMRIM II 全球广论 II
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