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Daily 1 Min Meditation 171218

(b) The prescriptive precepts

There are three prescriptive precepts. The first is to treat images of the Buddha as objects of reverence-as though they were the Teacher himself-not pointing out their faults regardless of their quality, and not disrespecting them or treating them with contempt by putting them in dishonorable places, pawning them, etc.

Lamrim pg 194

Have you shown contempt with any images of Buddha? ????????

My master had explained this in a very simple manner for us to understand without sacrificing any standard. In fact, he had led by example and shown us a very high standard in his practice.

What is “contempt” referring to?  That is when you have no respect to it in your heart, that is when you treat it with contempt!  This does not just refer to you looking down on it. That is not the meaning.  It is when you do not highly value it.  Even this should be eliminated.

Once we have taken refuge with the Three Jewels, we should always value them and hold them in our hearts with respect.

Namo Gurubhya
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya

Thank you for highlighting this important principle, Master! ????????????????