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Daily 1 Min Meditation 171206

When the sensory faculties draw the inattentive mind to objects, you should view this excitement with regard to sensory objects as a fault, and withdraw the mind from them.

lamrim vol1 pg 193

Our sensory faculties are easily excited by objects! To be able to notice that our minds are drifting is already a feat in today’s convoluted world bombarded with immense digital information from Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc. ????

To withdraw our focus and reflect on our wrong behaviours is even more challenging! I am habitually drawn to them and I am ‘addicted’ to these digital platforms too. Sometimes my mind is fragmented as a result of constant abuse.

Consequently I decided to leverage on them to do something meaningfully and start this body, mind and spiritual blog instead.  ????

Namo Gurubhya
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya

Thank you for the enlightening reminder, Master! ????????????????

Photo by Ahmed Saffu on Unsplash