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[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄止观次第决定之理

[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄止观次第决定之理


For Asanga’s Levels of Yogic Deeds says:
  Moreover, you can accurately know the reality of the truths from suffering to path, without having attained the first meditative stabilization, etc. As soon as this knowledge of the truths occurs, you stabilize your mind and do not analyze phenomena. Based on this higher wisdom, you pursue the practice of higher states of consciousness.


[Meditative·Serenity] 集论所说依观修止之义


This means that they have not attained the serenity of the actual first meditative stabilization, or beyond; it does not preclude their having attained the serenity which is included in the access to the first meditative stabilization.


[Meditative·Serenity] 依照清净经论决择止观的次第


Accordingly, the way insight develops is that discerning analytical meditation generates pliancy. If this were not so, there would not be the slightest good reason to seek serenity first and then cultivate insight based on it.


[Meditative·Serenity] 修成寂止与胜观的不同方法


So generating pliancy by setting your attention on a single object of meditation – even if the object is emptiness – is nothing more than a way to achieve serenity (止); that alone does not count as attaining insight.


[Meditative·Serenity] 胜观必须以寂止为因


According to the Sutra Unravelling the Intended Meaning, as long as the practice of discrimination and special discrimination with discerning wisdom cannot generate physical and mental pliancy, it constitutes a type of attention which approximates insight; when it generates pliancy, then it is insight.


[Meditative·Serenity] 先修寂止,后修胜观


Santideva’s Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says:
  Insight possessed of serenity
  Destroys the afflictions. Knowing this,
  Seek serenity at the outset.


[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄须双修之因相


On this point, the Ratna-kuta Collection says:
    Keeping ethical discipline, you will attain concentration;
    Attaining concentration, you cultivate wisdom;
    With wisdom you attain pure, sublime wisdom;
    As your sublime wisdom is pure, your ethical discipline is perfect.


[Meditative·Serenity] 依师多闻正修止观


Also, the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas says:
    Those who are unlearned in the contents of the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas, unlearned in the discipline of the noble teaching, and who derive a sense of sufficiency from mere concentration (三摩地) fall by virtue of their pride into an inflated sense of themselves. They will not escape from birth, aging, sickness, death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, unhappiness, or perturbation; they will not escape from the six realms of cyclic existence; they will not escape from the aggregation of suffering. With that in mind, the Tathagata said, “Learning from others what is appropriate, you will escape aging and death.”


[Meditative·Serenity] 静虑压伏烦恼,智慧摧灭随眠


For this reason the Sutra Unravelling the Intended Meaning says:
    Meditative stabilization suppresses afflictions; wisdom destroys dormant tendencies.


[Meditative·Serenity] 修止是为了修观


The technique for producing forceful and longlasting certainty about the meaning of selflessness is sustained analysis with discerning wisdom. Without such insight into the real nature, no matter how long you cultivate serenity, you can only suppress manifest afflictions; you cannot eradicate their seeds. Therefore, do not cultivate only serenity; you need to cultivate insight as well
