(e) How to be certain about their order
《广论》 Pg345L05-Pg346L01
This is the sequence in which you newly develop serenity (止) and insight for the first time; later the sequence is indefinite, as you may cultivate serenity (奢摩他) after previously cultivating insight.
Qualm: Asariga’s Compendium of Knowledge states, “Some attain insight, but do not attain serenity (止); they strive for serenity (止) on the basis of insight.” How do you account for this?
Reply: This means that they have not attained the serenity (止) of the actual first meditative stabilization (第一静虑根本定), or beyond; it does not preclude their having attained the serenity (止) which is included in the access to the first meditative stabilization (第一静虑近分定). Also, once you have perceptual knowledge of the four truths (四谛), you can establish on that basis the serenity (止) of the actual first meditative stabilization (第一静虑) and the higher meditative stabilizations (静虑). For Asanga’s Levels of Yogic Deeds says:
Moreover, you can accurately know the reality of the truths from suffering to path, without having attained the first meditative stabilization (初静虑), etc. As soon as this knowledge of the truths occurs, you stabilize your mind (无间住心) and do not analyze phenomena (不择法). Based on this higher wisdom, you pursue the practice of higher states of consciousness (增上心).
In general, for the sake of comprehensive terminology, the nine mental states (九住心) are called meditative serenity and the fourfold analysis (思择等四) is called insight. However, you must apply the terms “actual serenity” and “actual insight” (真实止观) – as will be explained – after the generation of pliancy.
Lamrim Chenmo Pg25L14-Pg26L11
References 参考资料:
- 《菩提道次第廣論》全文下載
- The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Tib. Lam rim chen mo) (Volume 3), Shambhala Publications
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