(d) Why it is necessary to cultivate both
《广论》 Pg342L03-Pg344L01
Thus, the aim of attaining a concentration (定) in which your mind is non-discursively stabilized on a single object without distraction is to have mental serviceability – the ability to willfully direct your attention to virtuous objects of meditation. If you fix your attention on a single object of meditation, you can keep it there, but if you release it, it will proceed as you wish to limitless virtuous objects, just like water drawn into smoothly flowing irrigation ditches. Therefore, after you have achieved meditative serenity (止), you must sustain in meditation objects and attitudes that stop limitless faults and bring together limitless virtues, such as wisdom consciousnesses focusing on the real nature and the diversity of phenomena, generosity, the attitude of restraint, patience, joyous perseverance, faith, and disenchantment with cyclic existence. Realize that continuously stabilizing your mind by fixing it on a single object of meditation yields no great advantages in the practice of virtue, for those who do this fail to appreciate the purpose of achieving serenity.
Thus, if you reject analytical meditation with discerning wisdom both in the deeds section of the perfections and in the view section of the perfections, your cultivation of one-pointed concentration will be very weak. The technique for producing forceful and longlasting certainty about the meaning of selflessness is sustained analysis with discerning wisdom. Without such insight into the real nature, no matter how long you cultivate serenity (奢摩他), you can only suppress manifest afflictions; you cannot eradicate their seeds. Therefore, do not cultivate only serenity (止); you need to cultivate insight as well because, as Kamalasila’s second Stages of Meditation says:
Cultivating just serenity (止) alone does not get rid of a practitioner’s obscurations; it only suppresses the afflictions for a while. Unless you have the light of wisdom, you do not destroy dormant tendencies. For this reason the Sutra Unravelling the Intended Meaning says:
Meditative stabilization (静虑) suppresses afflictions; wisdom destroys dormant tendencies.
Also, the King of Concentrations Sutra says:
Although worldly persons cultivate concentration (定)
They do not destroy the notion of self.
Their afflictions return and disturb them,
As they did Udraka, who cultivated concentration (定) in this way.
If you analytically discern the lack of self in phenomena
And if you cultivate that analysis in meditation,
This will cause the result, attainment of nirvana;
There is no peace through any other means.
Also, the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas says:
Those who are unlearned in the contents of the Scriptural Collection of the Bodhisattvas, unlearned in the discipline of the noble teaching, and who derive a sense of sufficiency from mere concentration (三摩地) fall by virtue of their pride into an inflated sense of themselves. They will not escape from birth, aging, sickness, death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, unhappiness, or perturbation; they will not escape from the six realms of cyclic existence; they will not escape from the aggregation of suffering. With that in mind, the Tathagata said, “Learning from others what is appropriate, you will escape aging and death.”
As this is so, those who seek completely pure sublime wisdom from which every obscuration has been eliminated should cultivate wisdom while they remain in serenity (三摩地). On this point, the Ratna-kuta Collection says:
Keeping ethical discipline, you will attain concentration (定);
Attaining concentration (定), you cultivate wisdom;
With wisdom you attain pure, sublime wisdom;
As your sublime wisdom is pure, your ethical discipline is perfect.
And the Sutra of Cultivating Faith in the Mahayana says:
Child of good lineage, if you did not have wisdom, I would not say that you had faith in the Mahayana of bodhisattvas, nor would I say you knew the real nature in the Mahayana.
Lamrim Chenmo Pg22L03-Pg23LL11
References 参考资料:
- 《菩提道次第廣論》全文下載
- The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (Tib. Lam rim chen mo) (Volume 3), Shambhala Publications
- 廣論止觀初探 – 大慈恩譯經基金會
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