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Island of Rubbish Floating in Caribbean Sea!

Footage of waters near Roatan, an island off the coast of Honduras, shows a massive heap of plastic waste floating around the Caribbean sea.

British photographer Caroline Power, who captured the video, said the unbelievable images show our planet is ‘choking’ on waste, and said ‘we are all to blame’.

‘Once the trash is in the ocean, it is incredibly difficult and costly to remove. The key is to stop the trash before it enters the ocean.’

John Hourston, of the Blue Planet Society, which campaigns to protect the oceans, said it was the worst example of plastic pollution he has seen.
‘We all have a part to play in reducing plastic waste but manufacturers and government need to take the lead. It’s a global problem which needs a global solution.’

This is truly a disaster for both mankind and animals like sea birds, turtles, whales, etc. and we will have to pay a hefty price in future!  ????????

Spread the words to do our best to eliminate or alleviate use of plastic in our daily lives. ????????????

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