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Daily 1 Min Meditation 171204

Now that we are fortunate enough to rely on an excellent teacher, and have been able to listen to what is correct and errorless, we should then follow [the teachings] and practice.  If you can follow and practice accordingly, then at that time you can calm and cease your afflictions.  That is the time you can go about practising.

Yes, my dharma master, Venerable Richang, said if you leave your teacher and fellow dharma peers , there is no dharma practice or realisation! (离开师没有法、离开友没有法)

Namo Gurubhya
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya

I am truly fortunate to reply on my excellent teacher in this file again and I supplicate that I will be able to rely on him life after life till I am fully enlightened as a buddha under his guidance. ????????????????

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash