【Relying on the Teacher】- Emulate the ancient teachers
【Pu-chung-wa (Phu-chung-ba) said, “when I hear the stories of excellent persons, I emulate them.” 】
Thus you must emulate those whose good qualities surpass your own. 】
We must do this, (we) must emulate them wholeheartedly. The stages are very clear. Now when we think of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, we would feel, ah-ya, they are just too far away. The Buddha readily sacrificed his life, head and marrow to others, we are too far (from this act). When we look to the ancient teachers, they seem closer to us! Thus, naturally, they can influence and guide us. Just like in the “Chapter of the Parable of the Manifest City” in the Lotus Sutra, these ancient teachers are just like a city of manifestation to us. We can find our direction from the [ancient teachers], and continue to look upwards, eventually seeing how the Buddha is, at the highest level.
Venerable Richang – English Lamrim Volume 1, P73
日常法师——14B 23:07~23:50手抄稿第二册P213-L6