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[Meditative·Serenity] 先修寂止,后修胜观


Santideva’s Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds says:
  Insight possessed of serenity
  Destroys the afflictions. Knowing this,
  Seek serenity at the outset.


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十三回 拜鬻香长者


 “I know this art of perfuming. How can I know the practice, tell of the virtues, elucidate the method of purification of conduct, convey the irreproachable action, or explain the malice-free words, thoughts, and deeds of the enlightening beings who are free from foulness, who are void of lusts, who are free from the snares of the demon of afflictions, who have transcended all conditions of existence, who proceed with material form as being something in the magic of knowing, who are unstained by any world, whose way of life is free from attachment, who have purified the sphere of unobstructed knowledge, who are in the realm of unimpeded knowledge, who do not take refuge in any abode or rely on anything in existence?


【广海明月】第316讲 效学祖师造论的严谨态度

  第一个就是“善所知五种明处”,造论者必须要通达五明,这也是一个很高的条件哪!可能不是一个博士学位的问题,是很多科都要读到很精湛的、精深的部分。然后第二,说要“具教授”,就是不管造什么论,都要有修持扼要的教授,“具教授”,具有“从正遍知辗转传来,于其中间善士未断,修持彼义扼要教授”。在这里边仁波切讲到有传承的教授很重要,就是要有清净传承的教授,这是第二项。 [02′17″]


【广海明月】第315讲 造论三因(二):获得本尊开许

  我想问大家:获得本尊开许——“获言开许”的话,那就是他一定见到本尊天颜了,对吧?见到本尊天颜了,那之前要经过戒定慧的严格修炼,修炼到真实地见到本尊,然后本尊能教他,比如说可以造论了,开许了嘛;本尊就像自己老师一样见到,然后给自己讲,这是一个很高的成就。 [02′20″]



春·见光明 #50 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 实际上痛苦是源于什么?
2. 无明是如何导致种种痛苦?
3. 我们如何才能体会到无苦的快乐?


[Meditative·Serenity] 总摄须双修之因相


On this point, the Ratna-kuta Collection says:
    Keeping ethical discipline, you will attain concentration;
    Attaining concentration, you cultivate wisdom;
    With wisdom you attain pure, sublime wisdom;
    As your sublime wisdom is pure, your ethical discipline is perfect.


[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十二回 拜遍行外道


 “I know this enlightening practice of going everywhere. How can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of the enlightening beings with bodies equal to all beings, who have attained concentration in which their own bodies and all bodies are indivisible, whose vast sphere of emanation adapts to all states of existence, who pass through existence in all worlds in their own bodies, who are intent on mystical projections pleasing to the sight of all beings, who appear to be born in all races, who carry out their vows unimpeded in all ages, who can manifest the interrelated cosmic network of practices, who are devoted to working for the welfare of all beings while living together with them without becoming defiled, who realize the basic equality of the worlds of past, present, and future, who are imbued with endless great compassion appearing in the realm of selfless knowledge, who aim to foster good in all beings?


【广海明月】第314讲 造论三因(一):善知五明及具教授

  师父解释了三行。那我想问一下大家:造论的目的是什么呢?就是能够把释迦佛真正的密意和盘托出。为什么要把释迦佛真正的密意和盘托出呢?祖师为什么要写这样的论?阿底峡尊者为什么要这样呢?因为释迦佛的密意,就是令所有的有情都从痛苦的轮回中解脱出来,乃至究竟成佛,就是拔苦与乐。所以如果我们了解了这样的密意之后,沿著这样的密意修行,那么就是实现了佛陀的愿望我们都离苦得乐了。所以是非常慈悲的一个愿望——希望众生离苦得乐。 [01′53″]


【广海明月】第313讲 后弘期:尊者振兴戒律、令教清净

  而在圣教的后弘期,则有一些人妄自认为是通晓五明的大学者以及瑜伽师,由于他们错误地理解了密续的内涵,因而对圣教的根本——清净梵行,造成了极大的损害,幸得这位善士阿底峡尊者善为破除。另外又消灭了其他种种颠倒的执著,振兴无误的教法,所以尊者的深恩遍泽雪域的一切众生,现在也在恩泽著你和我,所以我们要好好地珍惜这珍贵的法脉传承。那么最珍惜的方式就是依教奉行,好好地修行自己,也能够自作教他,把这个清净的法流传承下去。 [01′40″]
