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第339讲 了解前三殊胜,谤法罪自趣消灭

【广海明月】第339讲 了解前三殊胜,谤法罪自趣消灭

  这一小段应该义理非常地清楚,“极大罪行”指什么呀?谤法罪!师父说:“平常我们愚痴凡夫一直在造罪当中,但是很少造极大的罪”,这个极大的罪,修行人才能造!请问:修行人是谁呀?就是现在正在学法的我们。那么为什么会造这样的罪呢?就是跌入了宗派之诤,对吧?你说我的不合理,我说你的不合理。 [02′18″]


[Meditative·Serenity] 修止的身威仪(二)

[Meditative·Serenity] 修止的身威仪(二)


Asanga’s Sravaka Levels gives five reasons for sitting as the Buddha taught, cross-legged on a seat, stool, or grass mat


第三十四回 拜普德净光主夜神

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第三十四回 拜普德净光主夜神


 “I know only this enlightening liberation of the bliss of tranquil meditation boldly going everywhere. How can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of the enlightening beings who are completely conversant with the vows of practice of universally good enlightening beings, who have attained knowledge of the cosmos with its endless forms, in whose minds all roots of goodness are developed, who have attained awareness of the knowledge and powers of all buddhas, whose minds abide in the sphere of all buddhas, whose minds are unhindered wherever they may be, who have fulfilled the resolve for omniscience, whose minds have entered the ocean of all lands, whose minds see all buddhas and take in the teachings of all buddhas, who dispel the darkness of all ignorance, whose minds generate the light of omniscience as the way to effect the final destruction of craving for repetitious mundane enjoyment?


【广海明月】第338讲 获得胜者密意,轻松省去大麻烦

【广海明月】第338讲 获得胜者密意,轻松省去大麻烦

  “那么现在呢,经过这样的大善知识,最正确地说明了以后,我们很快地就把握得住”,把握住什么呀?“最正确的”,对吧!我们就了解了,原来这样说的真正的内涵是这个呀!请问:“了解”,了解什么呀?因为我们的相续它是不会消失的,此生结束了之后,还有来生、还有来生、还有来生,是这样续流下去的,所以我们一定要考虑以后的快乐要怎么出现、以后的痛苦要怎么去除。那么以后的痛苦肯定是个超级大的麻烦。 [02′29″]


【广海明月】第337讲 长劫生命里,痛苦无边际

【广海明月】第337讲 长劫生命里,痛苦无边际

  好!第一个问题:“易于获得胜者密意”的“胜者”是指谁呢?有答对吧?对!“是指佛”;师父说:“真正的觉者”。接下来在这里还涉及到“密意”,师父是怎么解释这个密意的呢?“最重要的内涵”,对不对?那么为什么佛陀的意思对于我们来说不太容易了解呢?问题在哪里?说佛法的内涵很深厚,但是我们的程度不够。 [03′31″]




冬·勇悍行 #312 【心之勇士】 《希望·新生2》

1. 一定要珍惜时间作什么?
2. 训练久了之后,心力会怎么样?
3. 这时做什么会取得意想不到的成就?


[Meditative·Serenity] 修止的身威仪(一)

[Meditative·Serenity] 修止的身威仪(一)


(1) Cross your legs in the manner of the venerable Vairocana, using either the full-lotus posture or the half-lotus posture as appropriate.


第三十三回 拜婆珊婆演底主夜神

[善财童子五十三参][English] 第三十三回 拜婆珊婆演底主夜神


 “I only know this enlightening liberation that is a method of guiding the world by the light of the truth which dispels the darkness of all sentient beings—how can I know the practice or tell of the virtues or comprehend the sphere or show the freedom of liberation of the enlightening beings who are completely versed in the infinite vow of enlightening practice of universal good, who command the power to enter into every principle in the ocean of the cosmos, who have mastered the adamantine concentration of knowledge realized by all enlightening beings, who have undertaken the vow to preserve the lineage of buddhas in all worlds, who have perfected great goodness purifying all worlds in each mental moment, who command the knowledge to develop and guide all universes in each mental moment, whose eyes are suns that dispel the darkness of all obstructions for all sentient beings in all worlds, who strive to inform all sentient beings about the Great Vehicle of universal liberation, who are moons of wisdom dispelling the darkness of doubt and confusion for all sentient beings, whose pure voices obliterate attachment to existence, who have the power to show miracles in each atom of all phenomena, who have unfragmented knowledge of the ground of past, present, and future?
