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[善财童子五十三参][English] 第二十五回 拜无上胜长者

第二十五回 拜无上胜长者
第二十五回 拜无上胜长者

Therefore, having relied upon an excellent protector, solidify your certainty about the way that all the scriptures are causal factors for one person to become a buddha.

【◎ 是故应当依善依怙,于其一切正言,皆是一数取趣,成佛支缘。所有道理,令起定解。】


LAM RIM CHEN MO 《菩提道次第广论》






  馆内宾客都纷纷起立谦让。善财不知如何是好?不敢进去。店小二急忙搬来一条凳子放在一位老者旁边道:“客官,请坐吧。” 这老者却站起身让善财坐,自己搬来凳子坐。善财也不好意思坐。老者拉著善财手膀,请善财坐在座位上说:“客官远来,行路辛苦,我等理应让坐。”


























His mind filled with great love for the infinite realm of life, overflowing with great compassion, having amassed immense stores of virtue and knowledge, freed from the defilement of ignorance, passion, and all afflictions, realizing the equality of all things, proceeding equanimously on the path of omniscience, having eradicated the entryways into countless bad tendencies, proceeding heroically by the power of steadfast energy immune to all evils, filled with great calm by the inconceivable concentrations of an enlightening being, having thoroughly dispelled the darkness of ignorance by the light of the sun of wisdom, adorned with flowers of knowledge vivified by the moon of bliss and the breeze of means, according with the principles of knowledge of liberation of the imperishable city of omniscience, seeking the path of enlightening beings, Sudhana made his way to the city of Nandihara and sought out the eminent Jayottama, whom he saw in a grove at the eastern edge of the city, surrounded by thousands of elders, giving instructions regarding the various affairs of the city, in the course of which he was also talking about spirituality in order to get rid of all egoism, possessiveness, acquisitiveness, clinging to material things, dependency, binding cravings, impeding views, obscuring doubts, beclouding deceit and guile, defiling envy and jealousy, in order to clear and purify everyone’s minds, in order to inspire them to delight in the vision of buddhas by fostering the power of pure faith in them, in order to get them to accept the buddha-teachings by bringing forth the powers of enlightening beings in turn, in order to generate the power of concentration of enlightening beings by revealing to them the practices of enlightening beings, in order to purify enlightening beings’ power of recollection by showing them the power of wisdom of enlightening beings. Thus he was expounding the Teaching, to inspire them to seek enlightenment.

 Sudhana went up to the grandee Jayottama, bowed to him, and with respect for the Teaching said, “I am Sudhana, O noble one, and I seek the practice of enlightening beings. Please tell me how to learn the practice of enlightening beings, how to orient myself to the disciplines that will perfect all sentient beings while I am learning, how to see all buddhas, how to hear the teaching of all buddhas, how to remember the multitudes of teachings of all buddhas, how to carry out the principles of the teachings of all buddhas, how to perform the practice of enlightening beings in all worlds, how to be indefatigable living in all ages by the practice of enlightening beings, how to perceive the transformation of all who have gone to Thusness, how to receive the empowerment of all buddhas, how to attain knowledge of the powers of all buddhas.”

 Jayottama said to Sudhana, “It is good that you aspire to supreme perfect enlightenment. I am purifying the method of enlightening practice that goes everywhere, by the power of attainment of nondoing based on nonbeing. By this method of purification of enlightening practice going everywhere, I expound the Teaching in all realms of being in the universe, I oppose untruth, I stop controversy, conflict, strife, combat, and hostility. I cut through bonds and break prisons apart. I eliminate fears. I put an end to activity and to pursue all right and good actions. I teach everyone all arts and crafts that bring benefit to the world. I elucidate, articulate, explain, and promote all sciences for the happiness of the world. I go along with all false doctrines in order to develop the people involved in them. In order to show the excellence of higher knowledge, to put a stop to all views, to inspire interest in the teaching of all buddhas, I approach all the celestial beings in the realm of form all the way up to the world of Brahma and expound the Teaching to them. And as I teach in this universe, so also do I teach in as many worlds as atoms in ten unspeakable numbers of decillions of buddha-lands. I teach the ways of buddhas, the ways of enlightening beings, the ways of Buddhist disciples, and the ways of individual illuminates. I teach about the hells, what leads to hell, and the motives and actions of beings in hell. I teach about animality, the types who tend toward animality, what leads to animality, and the misery of animalistic life. I teach about the underworld, what leads to the underworld, and the misery of the underworld. I teach about heavens, what leads to heaven, and the enjoyments of heaven. I teach about the human world, what leads to the human world, and the variety of pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the human world.

 “Thus I teach about the law of the world, the formation of the world, the decline of the world, the pain of the world, and emancipation from the world; I expound the Teaching in order to explain the path of practice of enlightening beings, to remove the ills of the mundane world, to show the virtues of omniscience, to extinguish the pain of infatuation with states of being, to elucidate the unimpeded nature of reality, to clarify the ordinary conduct of the world, to point out the happiness and misery of the conduct of all beings in the world, to show the notions on which all worlds are based, to elucidate the independent state of those who realize Thusness, to fend off all active afflictions, and to show the progress of the wheel of teaching of the enlightened.

 “I know this method of purification of enlightening practice that goes everywhere, an undefiled manifestation of nondoing based on illumination. How can I know the practice or tell of the virtues of enlightening beings who have all mystic knowledges, who go throughout all lands with the body of knowledge of illusoriness, who have attained the stage of knowledge of the universal eye, who are heroic masters of knowledge comprehending all things, who speak with the voice of totality communicating to infinite sentient beings according to their mentalities, who have phantom bodies the same as all enlightening beings pleasing to the masses of sentient beings with their various wishes, who are intent upon one and the same inconceivable body of all buddhas, whose body of knowledge pervades past, present, and future, whose sphere is as vast and measureless as the sky?

 “South of here, in the land of Shronaparanta, is a city called Kalingavana, where a nun named Sinhavijurmbhita lives. Go ask her how to learn and carry out the practice of enlightening beings.”

 Then Sudhana paid his respects to Jayottama and left.

References 参考资料:​​
  1. 《华严经》 Avatamsaka Sūtra
  2. 善财童子五十三参原文、白话故事、图片 – 弘善佛教网
  3. The Flower Ornament Scripture A Translation Of The Avatamsaka Sutra By Thomas Cleary : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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